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Open Doors

Open Doors is a free, competency-based high school completion program for eligible individuals who are 16-21 years of age and who need to increase their high school credits in order to graduate. High school competency requirements may be met through high school and college coursework and/or prior learning gained from work and life experience. Unmet requirements may be achieved through additional coursework at SVC.



You can apply for the Open Doors program if you meet the following criteria:

  • Are at least 16 and under 21 years of age.
  • Have not met high school graduation requirements.
  • Currently not attending or enrolled in high school OR you have been recommended for enrollment by case managers from DSHS, juvenile justice, school district, or community agencies.
  • Must reside within Skagit County or be accepted through Choice Transfer with a school district within Skagit County.


What We Offer

  • Earn a valid Washington state high school diploma.
  • Credit may be awarded for your life or work experiences.
  • Earn college credit while completing your high school diploma.
  • Meets high school diploma requirements for employment and military service.
  • Teachers who care about your success!
  • Support to help you overcome barriers to successful completion.
  • Information and planning for further education or career training.


How to Enroll


Contact Information

For more information, please email: or call 360.416.7654.

Mount Vernon Campus: 360.416.7640
Whidbey Island Campus: 360.679.5339

Lleni Zavala
Open Doors Navigator

Amy Gustafson
Associate Dean of Student Support Programs

Jazmin Cecenaramirez