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Institutional Program Review

Program review at Skagit Valley College is the basis for assessing institutional effectiveness and an integral part of the institution’s operational planning process. The college has a clear focus on continuous program improvement at all levels of the organization. Overall institutional effectiveness and mission fulfillment is assessed through the college's annual Strategic Priority Performance Report process (see below). In addition, each area of the college (e.g. Academic Affairs, Student Services, College Support Services) engages in a program review process designed specifically for their work and objectives. Area program review is based on advancing specific strategic priority outcomes and provides the basis for overall institutional effectiveness. Results are shared widely within the college community, including at college-wide president's meetings, with the college’s shared governance committees, and the results are integrated into the college’s annual operational planning process. 

SVC Integrated Planning and Institutional Assessment

Institutional Effectiveness and Mission Fulfillment

Skagit Valley College’s five strategic priorities create the framework for assessing overall institutional effectiveness at the college. Each strategic priority has multiple goals, with associated KPIs, metrics, and objective targets to achieve by the end of the four-year strategic plan. These targets represent the highest-level objective data that demonstrate our effectiveness as an institution. The strategic priorities are formally assessed annually through the Strategic Priority Performance Reports presented to the SVC Board of Trustees. These reports include not only data on progress toward final objective targets, but also context from local and national peer comparisons, longitudinal data on progress over time, lessons learned, obstacles encountered, and strategies for immediate and long-term improvement. The data from these reports are widely shared throughout the college.

SVC Strategic Priorities: Outcomes, KPIs, Metrics, and Targets

Outcome Statement #1:
Improve completion rates for all degree-seeking students


Completion rates for degree seeking students


Percent of degree seeking students who successfully complete a degree, certificate, and/or transfer to a 4-year institution within 3 years of initialing enrolling at Skagit Valley College


  • Increase overall completion rate by 8% from 36% (2024) to 42% (by 2028) completion rate (current = 36%)  
  • Increase completion for students enrolled in Professional Technical programs by 5% from 45% (2024) to 50% (by 2028)  
  • Increase completion for students enrolled in Academic-Transfer programs by by 6% from 32% (2024) to 38% (by 2028)  
  • Increase completion for students enrolled in bachelor’s programs by 10% from 70% (2024) to 80% (by 2028) 

Outcome Statement #2:
Maintain strong employment rates for workforce and BAS program completers


Employment Rates 


Percentage of professional technical or Bachelors of Applied Science graduates who are employed nine months post degree completion


Maintain a minimum of 75% of students will be employed nine months post completion from SVC


Outcome Statement #1:
 Eliminate opportunity (equity) gaps in student success 


Opportunity gaps in student completion rates


3-year completion rates for all degree seeking students disaggregated by race/ethnicity


Decrease Hispanic/Latino equity gap by 8% from 11% (2024) to 3% (by 2028)

Outcome Statement #2:
Achieve and maintain HSI status and apply for and receive federal funding  


Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) status 


HSI recognition and Title V funding eligibility 


Listed as HSI by national high education Latino advocacy non-profits (e.g. Excelencia in Education, Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities) 

Apply for eligibility and receive federal Title V funding  

Outcome Statement #3:
Increase employee diversity


Campus climate employee sense of belonging 


Biennial results of HEDs survey identifying employee sense of belonging  


Increase SVC employee sense of belonging by 15% from 50% (2023) to 65% (2027)  

Outcome Statement #4:
Improve employee sense of belonging 


Employee diversity 


Diversity metrics for SVC employees (e.g. age, race, gender) 


A diverse population of employees that understands the lived experiences of our students and community 


Outcome Statement #1:
Increase overall enrollment (FTEs) 


Total Institutional enrollment 


 Total annualized student Full Time Equivalent (FTE); State annualized FTE 


  • Increase total FTES by 1,131 from 3,269 (2023-2024) to 4,400 
  • Increase State FTEs by 1,322 from 2,544 (2023-2024) to 3,866  

Outcome Statement #2:
Achieve goals for targeted student populations  


4 targeted tuition bearing student groups


Annualized FTEs for: 1) state tuition students, 2) Running Start students, 3) International students, 4) bachelor's students


  • State Tuition: increase of 161 FTEs from 1,884 (2023-2024) to 2,500 
  • Running Start: increase of 76 FTEs from 539 (2023-2024) to 615  
  • Bachelors: increase of 76 FTEs from 54 (2023-2024) to 130 
  • International: increase of 35 FTEs from 42 (2023-2024) to 77 

Outcome Statement #3:
Achieve and maintain 25% or greater degree seeking students who identify as Hispanic/Latino


Hispanic/Latino degree seeking students


FTE percent of degree seeking students who identify as Hispanic/Latino (IPEDS definition)


25% or greater FTE degree seeking students who identify as Hispanic/Latino 

Outcome Statement #4:
Create pipeline to increase Native American student access


Pathways to college for potential students who identify as Native American/American Indian 


Headcount of degree seeking students who identify as Native American/American Indian


A substantial increase in the number of SVC students who identify as Native American/American Indian.


Outcome Statement #1:
Improve employee climate satisfaction


Measures of campus climate and employee satisfaction


HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey


Increase percentage of SVC employees reporting a positive campus environment by 7% (to 1% point above the community college national average of 79%) from 73% (HEDS 2023) to 80%

Outcome Statement #2:
Increase student participation/response rates to annual surveys  


RNL Student Satisfaction Inventory


Measures of student satisfaction


Increase student response rate by 15%, from 5% (2024) to 20%; identify series of questions on the SSI survey to baseline positive campus climate to at or above average of west coast community colleges/Washington state community college group 

Outcome Statement #3:
Maintain indicators of strong institutional fiscal health


Indicators of institutional fiscal health [Mike Input here] 


Fiscal reserve percentage/dollar amount [Mike Input here] 


Create and maintain reserve percentage in coordination of SVC Board of Trustees (Mike Input here) 

Outcome Statement #4:
Improve staffing turnover rates 


Staffing/position sustainability


 Annual and/or average turnover rate 


 Achieve staff turnover rate of less than 30%; establish baseline turnover rate by 2025 

Outcome Statement #5:
Improve culture, organization, resources, and/or efficiency in the following student and college support service areas: HR, IT, Business Office, Grants, Budgeting, Institutional Research, Administrative support services, and the college website  


Efficacy of college support services


Program Review data establishing, reviewing, and creating improvement plans for the effectiveness of targeted areas: Human Resources, Information Technology, Business Office, Grants and Budgeting, Institutional Research, Admin Support Services, and Marketing/Outreach 


Demonstrated improvements in culture, organization, resources, and/or efficiency in: HR, IT, Business Office, IR, Budgeting and Grants, the college website 


Outcome Statement #1:  
Improve College visibility and reputation in the community


College visibility and reputation in the community 


Feedback and input from a newly established community taskforce; community focus group data 


Maintain and improve reputation for effectively serving the community and its needs 

Outcome Statement #2:  
Maintain and increase strong community partnerships


College and community partnerships 


1) number, funding, and hours for Job Service Partnerships (JSPs); total assets for SVC Foundation 


(Darren/Anne input here)