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Student Services Program Review

Student Support Services Program Review at Skagit Valley College involves an annual review of unit/department performance in the context of progress toward achieving one or more Institutional Priorities. Each year, Unit/departmental staff and administrators analyze performance, data on student outcomes, set unit/department goals, and identify strategies and resources needed to reach those goals. SVC’s Office of Institutional Research provides Student Support Programs with the relevant strategic priority KPI data to contextualize program review. Individual departments also use and collect data locally to inform strategies and decisions.

Student Support Services Program Review do the following activities annually:

  1. Analyze annual effectiveness data for measured outcomes related to Unit Goal(s);
  2. Analyze effectiveness of highlighted strategies in place for unit to achieve its stated goals and measured outcomes;
  3. Analyze Unit’s staffing and resource needs;
  4. Revise Unit structure and organization, including relationships with other Units in Student Support Services;
  5. Formulate a list of needs to achieve your unit goal and measured outcomes (e.g. staffing, budget, resource allocation) for operational planning in the upcoming academic year.

Results of program review will be used in operational planning for subsequent years, and are the vehicle by which units and divisions submit and coordinate their requests. In addition, results from these program review activities are shared with the relevant shared governance council for their oversight, consideration, and review in the operational planning process.  Student Support Services Program Review at Skagit Valley College is aligned by functional area and not specifically limited to an operation unit or department. Program Review is an integral part of Skagit Valley College's commitment to continuous institutional improvement is an iterative, staff-driven and owned process of continual program improvement.

Student Support Services Program Review Units:

  • Enrollment Services
  • Advising
  • Financial Aid
  • Tutoring
  • Student Life