Program Review: Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs Program Review
Instructional Program Review at Skagit Valley College involves an annual review of data and implementation of strategies to improve student outcomes. Each year, program faculty analyze program data, set program goals, and identify strategies to reach those goals. SVC’s Institutional Research office provides faculty with data from the following areas:
- Access: data on program enrollment and demographics;
- Achievement: data on key educational transition points and student completion;
- Learning: data on program and general education learning outcomes mapped to key courses within every instructional program;
- Satisfaction: student feedback data collected through surveys and course evaluations on learning, quality, institutional resources, and equity.
Current List of Learning Outcomes & Mapping
Program review runs on a 4-year cycle and culminates in a report that summarizes 3 years of student data, including learning outcomes assessment data. Faculty implement major program changes based on analysis of their 3 years of data collection. Instructional Program Review at Skagit Valley College is an iterative, faculty-driven and owned process of continual program improvement. Program Review is a completely separate process form, and not related to, program viability and faculty evaluation.
Instructional Program Review Data
- Table 1: Program Enrollments, FTES by Program.
- Table 2: Program Demographics, and Headcount.
- Table 3: Program, College Level Math/English 101 Attempt and Completion Rates.
- Table 4: Pre-College to College Transition Rates.
- Table 5: Program Retention Rates.
- Table 6: 3Year Completion Rates.
- Table 7 & 8: Learning Outcomes Data.
- Table 9: Student Satisfaction by academic program (Ruffalo Noel Levitz SSI)
- Table 10: Course Level Student Satisfaction