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Institutional Effectiveness Data  |  Instructional Program Review Data  |  Benchmark Institutions Data


Student Success and Achievement


Skagit Valley College (SVC) collects and analyzes data on key, measurable indicators of student access and achievement, including enrollments, retention, and completion. Data is also disaggregated by demographics such as race, gender, age group, first-generation status, and income to inform efforts and initiatives aimed at closing equity gaps in access and achievement. Additionally, we identify regional and national benchmark institutions to compare SVC’s performance with that of peer institutions. Data presented on this page are from institutional effectiveness, instructional program review, and benchmark institution data. Data presented on this page are grouped into three categories: institutional effectiveness, instructional program review, and benchmark institution data.


Data for Institutional Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Research maintains multiple dashboards that provide timely and relevant data for both formative and summative institutional self-assessment. The interactive data dashboards listed below are utilized by faculty, staff, and administrators to monitor key indicators of institutional effectiveness. All of the data presented below are disaggregated by various demographics parameters, offering insights for resource allocation, operational planning, and potential interventions designed to address equity gaps as well as to support overall institutional improvement.

  Enrollment Data   Retention Data
  1. Annual AFTE Reports
  2. Institutional AFTE Data
  3. Institutional Headcount Data
  4. Course Enrollment Data
  1.  Course Completion Data
  2.  Transition Metrics (ENGL 101, Math 100+ Attempt, and 45CR Completion)
  3.  Retention Rates
  4.  Pre-College to College Level Transition Data
  Completion Data   Learning Outcomes Data
  1. BAS Completion Data 
  2. Three Year Completion Data
  1.  Learning Outcomes and Equity Gap
  2. General Education Outcomes Mapping
  Student Satisfaction Data   Financial Aid Data
  1. Ruffalo Noel Levitz SSI 2024
  2. Survey Questions
  1. Financial Aid Awards & Recipients
  Campus Climate Data    Institutional Performance Reports
  1. HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey 
  2. Comparison Chart of HEDS Survey results.
  1. Strategic Priority Performance Reports



Data for Instructional Program Review






Data for Benchmark Institutions

  • Regional Benchmark Institutions: The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) manages ctcLink, a centralized system used by all 34 colleges in the state to oversee student enrollment, academic records, financial aid, billing, and more. SVC uses dashboards provided by SBCTC to benchmark our performance against regional peers on metrics such as retention, completion, and post-college employment earnings. The criteria used to select regional benchmark institutions include: degree-granting four-year colleges, primarily offering associate’s degrees, public institutions located in similar regions (rural or suburban). Because SVC has become a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), HSI or emerging HSI status was also considered.

  • National Benchmark Institutions: In accordance with U.S. Department of Education requirements, colleges periodically complete the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) surveys, which collect data on various metrics, including student retention, graduation and transfer rates. SVC uses data from IPEDS to compare its performance with that of national peers. The criteria used to select national benchmark institutions include: public institutions primarily offering associate’s degrees, located in rural or suburban areas, and participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Hispanic-Serving institution or emerging HSI status was also taken into account.


Identified Regional Benchmark Institutions Performance Data
  • Centralia College, WA
  • Columbia Basin College, WA
  • Yakima Valley College, WA
  • Peninsula College, WA
  • Wenatchee Valley College, WA
  • Whatcom Community College, WA
Identified National Benchmark Institutions Performance Data
  • Chemeketa Community College, OR
  • Clackamas Community College, OR
    Mt Hood Community College, OR
  • North Idaho College, ID
  • Pima Community College, AZ
  • Scottsdale Community College, AZ


5 Year average retention, 1st fall to 2nd fall 5 Year average completion success rates