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SVC Integrated Planning System

SVC has established an integrated planning system that ensures alignment from the college mission down to unit-level planning. This approach ensures that all planning at the college is integrated, clearly defined, systemic, and focused on achieving the objective outcomes of the Strategic Plan. The planning pyramid (below), adopted in 2022 illustrates the hierarchy of planning elements, their respective purposes, and the alignment of all planning at the institution with mission fulfillment. 

Planning Pyramid


Operational Planning at Skagit Valley College

SVC operates on an annual operational planning time period. Every year the President's Cabinet begins the process of deciding upon strategies, interventions, resource allocation, and activities that will help to achieve the College's strategic priorities. In turn, each Vice President works with their division to create divisional plans that address these approaches more specifically. Units and Departments then create their own plans. Each level of planning is focused on achieving one or more strategic priority target and driven by the College's stated focus on continuous program improvement; each level also incorporates the results of program review into their planning process. This cycle is illustrated in the figure below.


SVC 2024-2025 Operational Planning Cycle