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Information for Educators

Skagit Valley College’s College in the High School (CHS) program is a cooperative program between local school districts and Skagit Valley College (SVC). This dual credit program allows 9th through 12th grade students the opportunity to earn SVC college credit while simultaneously earning high school credit in approved high school courses. CHS courses are taught by qualifying high school teachers who work closely with SVC faculty liaisons to ensure that the course objectives and instructional strategies are consistent with those used in the equivalent course at SVC. Students who enroll in the program will have their coursework posted to an SVC transcript with the grade they earned in the course.

For a comprehensive list of program requirements and standards, please review the College in the High School Teacher Handbook. Instructors who are interested in applying to teach for SVC’s CHS program should review the articulation process outlines in the Teacher Handbook.

Instructor Eligibility

In accordance with Washington State Law, College in the High School teachers must meet the minimum qualifications required of SVC faculty. To view a list of minimum qualifications, see "Interested in Articulatng a Course?" below.

Course Eligibility

There are three main factors considered for CHS course articulations:

  1. The college and school district must have a contract in place, or commit to signing one in the future.
  2. The high school teacher must meet the minimum qualifications required of SVC faculty.
  3. The high school course must be equivalent to the SVC course, including but not limited to: meeting the College’s course outcomes, grading standards, theoretical, and pedagogical standards. The discipline-specific faculty liaison assigned to the course will make the final equivalency determination.

Interested in Articulating a Course?

The first step is to fill out and submit a CHS Course Articulation Request Form for your course. Please note the minimum qualifications needed by the high school faculty in order to articulate each course.

Please submit the completed application to along with unofficial transcripts for applicants credentials. Each high school faculty member needs to apply separately, even if applying to teach the same course. Requests are due November 1st to be considered for the following academic year. Applications received Nov. 1, 2024 will be considered for articulation for the 2025-2026 academic year.