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5100 Admissions

Initial Date of Approval: 4/22/09

Revision Date(s): 12/17/24

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Student Services


To administer consistent and equitable admissions criteria to Skagit Valley College classes and programs for all students, including international students and students under the age of 18. 



The college will be open, within budgetary limitations, to all applicants who meet the admissions qualifications.

An applicant will not be denied admission to the college on the basis of age, sex, race, color, religion, disability, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, veteran’s status, familial relationship, expunged juvenile record, association with anyone of a particular race, color, sex, gender identity, national origin, marital status, age or religion. Preference for admissions will not be based on economic status.

Under the Washington Administration Code (WAC 131-12-010) and the policies of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, the college reserves the right to deny admission to, or cancel the registration of, any individual whose enrollment is inconsistent with the best interests of the student, other students, or the established policies of Skagit Valley College.

Admission to selective entry programs is described in SVC Policy 5110 Selective Entry Program Admissions.


General Admission

Skagit Valley College admits applicants to the college who meet the following conditions:

  • They are a member of a high school class that has graduated, or
  • Their high school district has released them, or
  • They have successfully completed the General Educational Development (GED®) or another accredited high school completion program, or
  • They are seeking admission in one of the following programs:
    • Students interested in enrolling in Basic Education for Adults classes must meet the SBCTC requirements for enrollment in Basic Education for Adults
    • Students interested in enrolling in the Open Doors program must meet Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and their local school district’s eligibility requirements.
    • Students who are 18 years of age or older and do not have a high school diploma may be admitted into Skagit Valley College to earn an Adult High School Diploma upon successful completion of requirements (according to WAC 180-510-053).

Applications are reviewed for the upcoming quarter before subsequent quarters. For each quarter, students are admitted to SVC in the order applications are received.

The Admissions Office may place a hold on admission based on information in a student’s application. The student may appeal this decision with Entry Services. If the matter is not resolved, the student may appeal the decision with the vice president of student services. If, prior to enrollment in classes, an admitted student by their presence or conduct creates a disruptive atmosphere inconsistent with the college's purposes, the college may revoke the admission.


International Student Admissions

The college may accept international students in compliance with United States Immigration and Naturalization Service regulations. International students must follow the process found on the International Programs webpage. After acceptance into the international program, students must follow the steps for general admission.

Under Age 18 Admissions

Students who are in high school and who are rising juniors or older may be admitted to Skagit Valley College if they meet the following conditions:

  • Show written documentation of permission from the principal or counselor of the school they are currently attending or the school district in which they reside.
  • Submit a junior high or high school transcript or home school
  • Demonstrate placement into ENGL& 101 or MATH& 97 or higher.
  • Attend an advising session with a college advisor.

Students who are in middle or high school (but not yet a rising junior) and not enrolled in another approved dual credit program, such as Running Start, may be admitted to Skagit Valley College by the dean of enrollment or designee on a case-by-case basis.

  • There are no special age-related classroom standards or accommodations for students admitted under this policy.
  • SVC does not grant parental access to a student’s educational records without written consent from the student.
  • SVC may request additional information to make an admission decision or deny any underage enrollment.
  • Students may be limited to taking fewer than 15 credits per quarter based on an assessment of their academic preparedness.


Underage Admissions Procedures

Underage students may be admitted if they complete the following

  • Complete a Skagit Valley College Admissions Application found on the Getting Started webpage. The college recommends that applications be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the start of the quarter in which the student wants to enroll.
  • Submit a High School Release form, found on the Admissions Forms webpage, with written permission from the principal or counselor of the school they are currently attending or the school district in which they reside.
  • Provide a letter from a school official or other non-related adult supporting the prospective student’s motivation, academic ability and social maturity.
  • Submit a school transcript or home school equivalent to enrollment services.
  • Demonstrate placement into ENGL& 101, MATH&97 or higher.
  • Submit an Admissions for Underage Student Form signed by a parent or guardian. This form requires an explanation of exceptional or extenuating circumstances that warrant early admission to the college.
  • Schedule an appointment with an SVC advisor to confirm academic preparedness and establish an Education Plan.
  • Review tuition and fees and Important Dates and Deadlines.

This policy does not apply to INVEST or Community Education admissions.