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5110 Selective Entry Program Admissions

Initial Date of Approval: 4/22/09

Revision Date(s): 2/21/24

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Student Services


To establish consistent and equitable admissions criteria for Skagit Valley College selective entry programs.


  • WAC 131-12-010 Minimum standards for admission to a community or technical college.
  • WAC 131-12-030 Districts authorized to restrict enrollment in classes, courses or programs.


Skagit Valley College is an open access institution. In limited cases, entry into a certificate or degree program may be restricted due to limited space or specialized admissions criteria. For certificate and degree programs limited by space, the college reviews applicants for eligibility and accepts them until the program capacity is met. Individual programs may place students on a wait list for future admission.

Acceptance into Bachelor of Applied Science degree programs requires prior completion of a two-year associate degree (90 college-level credits) with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.



  1. Admission to all degree programs requires a prospective student to submit a general college application and complete all required prerequisites.
  2. Additional admissions criteria for specific degrees are noted in the college catalog or on the program webpage.
  3. Students may be admitted into selective entry certificate and degree programs for the fall quarter or continuously throughout the academic year.