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Drop-In Students

Are you interested in taking academic or professional/technical courses but not currently seeking an SVC degree or certificate? You may be a non-degree seeking student or “Drop-In” student!

If you are planning to take only one or two classes at SVC with no intent to enroll in additional quarters, please stop by Enrollment Services on the Mount Vernon Campus or Whidbey Island Campus during our regular hours for registration assistance or contact

Admission and Registration

In order to successfully support you through the enrollment process, we ask that Drop-In students complete the following steps:

  • Apply for Admission: Submit a WA State Application for Admission at This application is how we create your account, and generate an SVC Student Identification Number.
  • Establish Placement: There are multiple ways to determine your placement including submitted unofficial transcripts. To review all of your options visit:


There is limited funding available for Drop-In students – due to this, many pay out of pocket for their classes. Drop-In students are not eligible to receive federal financial aid as non-degree seeking students. Any credits earned as a non-degree seeking student may be applied toward a degree at a later date, but will not be retroactively eligible for financial aid.