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Welcome Parents!

You’ve been through a lot with your child’s education and have been interested in their progress. It is no wonder that recent research confirms that parents are the primary influence on the educational success of their children. Now it’s time to turn the page and start a new chapter called “My child’s college years.”

Parents report many differences in their ability to be involved with their children through college than in high school, but the most dramatic difference is that access to information about students at college may not be as readily available as it was during their high school years. This has left many parents feeling isolated from their children’s college lives and therefore concerned about how to help and support their children. I hope this website will help increase your knowledge and confidence about your student’s new chapter at Skagit Valley College. It is meant to:

  • Educate parents about resources at the college to support student success.
  • Help parents know what services are available to them.
  • Help parents learn how to instruct their students on where to go for assistance.
  • Help parents fit into their student’s lives at college.

I know that your child trusts you and comes to you for advice and that you intend to remain engaged in their lives for as long as you can. I hope the information presented here will do all that is mentioned above and will help you feel that you are not being left behind.

Contact Information

Campus and Center Contact Information

For general information about Admissions or Registration, call the Enrollment Services Office on the Mount Vernon Campus, listed below. For general inquiries, you may call the main switchboard at the campus or center in which your student is interested in attending.

Enrollment Services
Phone: 360.416.7700
Email: |