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Student Financial Accounts

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are common questions the Student Financials Team receives every quarter. We have compiled their answers below.


How much does it cost to go to SVC?

Visit the College Fees website for the current published Academic Year rates. Students are financially responsible for tuition, mandatory student fees, and any program- or course-specific fees related to enrollment.

  • Tuition and mandatory student fees are calculated based on the number of overall enrolled credits + your residency status (in-state, out-of-state, or international)
  • Program- and course-specific fees are calculated when students enroll in specific programs or specific classes.
What are all of these charges?


Per the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC), ctcLink displays three (3) components which break down the cost of tuition.



Displayed in ctcLink for WA Residents


Supports infrastructure and innovation Resident Building


Supports school operations

Resident Operating

S&A Supports student activities and programs

Resident S&A

NOTE: “Resident” means “resident of Washington State.” It does not mean that you are living on-campus.

  • If you are a non-Washington state resident, you will see “non-resident” in place of “resident.”
  • If you are classified as an international student, you will see “international” in place of “resident.” 

Additional information about tuition can be found on the College Fees webpage. 

Mandatory Student Fees

All students are assigned mandatory student fees based on the number of enrolled credits being taken in a quarter. Some students may experience additional fees due to a specific course or program. More detailed information about both categories of fees is found on the College Fees website. 

Where can I find a tuition statement of the quarter’s charges?

If you would like a statement, email [email protected] and include the following information:

  • The student’s name
  • The student’s ctcLink number
  • The quarters needed to be shown on the statement

Please allow 2 business days for your request to be processed.

I'm enrolled but cannot see my charges - how can I see my charges?

Are you in the correct location? Try this pathway:

  • Go to
  • At the top, hover over Students, click on ctcLink
  • Click on ctcLink Login tile – Dashboard displays
  • Expand the left menu, click Full Site (bottom of page) – Student Homepage displays
  • Click Financial Account tile* – Account Balance display

*If your tile says “contact the Cashier’s office to complete your account profile” you have some additional troubleshooting to do. Go to this website to complete your account profile setup.


How do I pay?

SVC accepts payments online (preferred), in-person, by mail, and by phone. The below sections provide additional information about each option. 

Online Payment (Preferred)

Students can pay online through ctcLink 24/7. Only Visa or Master Card payments are accepted online. SVC does not charge processing fees for online payments. Below are the quick-steps. 

  1. Go to
  2. At the top of the page, hover over students
  3. Click on ctcLink
  4. Click on the ctcLink Login tile– the Dashboard displays
  5. On the left menu, click on Full Site(at the bottom of the list) – the Student Homepage displays
  6. Click on the Financial Account tile– the Account Balance page displays
  7. On the left menu, find the button for Make a Payment

Additional instructions and screenshots are available in this guide: Online Payments and Payment Plans.

In-Person Payments

The SVC Cashier’s Office accepts all major credit cards, cash, and check payments in person. Per Washington State Regulations, SVC is not authorized to accept Google or Apple Pay.

  • Cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. There are no processing fees for card payments.
  • Cash: If you bring cash, bring exact change for your bill.
  • Checks: Make checks payable to Skagit Valley College or SVC. The student’s full name + ctcLink number must be on the check. SVC does not accept post-dated checks.

Hours of Operation 
Monday to Thursday: 9AM to 4PM
Friday, Saturday, Sunday: CLOSED    

Mailed Payments

The only kind of payment you should send SVC in the mail is a check payment. Never mail cash, never mail card information.

Make all checks payable to Skagit Valley College or SVC. Include the student’s full name and ctcLink ID number. Please allow 7-14 business days for USPS delivery and internal mail processing. SVC does not accept post-dated checks. The mailing address is:

Skagit Valley College
ATTN: Cashier
2405 East College Way
Mount Vernon, WA 98273-5899

Phone Payments

For refund purposes, online payments are preferred. However, if you cannot make a payment online, the SVC Cashier’s Office accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discover payments. Make sure to have your ctcLink ID number ready when you call. If we miss your call, LEAVE A VOICEMAIL with your name, callback number, and ctcLink ID number. This will secure your place in line for a return call.

Mount Vernon (Main): 360.416.7805
Whidbey Island (Backup): 360.679.5353

529 Payments

Most states offer 529 College Savings Plans. Check with your 529 Plan or Bank to understand how to use your funds. Plan accordingly. Ensure SVC has time to receive and post your 529 payment to your student account before the tuition and fee deadline. Allow 7-14 business days from your plan payment initiation request for SVC to receive and post your payment. Published due dates are found on the Important Dates and Deadlines calendar.

Tuition Payment Plans

What is a tuition payment plan?

A tuition payment plan allows students to distribute their portion of tuition and fees across three (3) monthly installments. If the student wants to use this service, they must enroll in a plan each quarter. The non-refundable enrollment fee each quarter is $30.00. Payment plan installment due dates are static. Meaning: the due dates for the installments cannot change. SVC only offers 1 tuition payment plan each quarter. 

Who would need a tuition payment plan?

There are typically two types of students who may want to take advantage of the tuition payment plan

Students who are paying fully for their classes out of their own pocket may want to take advantage of the tuition payment plan. This way, they do not have to pay 100% of their account balance by the Cardinal 1 due date. Instead, they would be required to pay the 1st installment (34% of their account balance) + the $30.00 non-refundable tuition payment plan enrollment fee. The student may also be required to make the 2nd installment (33% of their account balance) in order to avoid being dropped due to non-payment.

Aid takes time to process. Because of this, Aid may not be “ready to pay” by the Cardinal 1 deadline. By the Cardinal 1 deadline, the student’s portion of tuition and fees (A) should be paid in full, (B) will be covered by Aid and that Aid is tagged as “ready to pay” by SVC Financial Aid, or (C) should be on a payment plan with the 1st installment and enrollment fees paid. Failure to do one of those three options may result in the student being dropped from classes due to non-payment.

If the student’s Aid is not “ready to pay” and the student does not want to pay 100% of the tuition/fees by the Cardinal 1 deadline, the student may want to consider enrolling in a tuition payment plan. To formalize the tuition payment plan, the student will then need to pay the 1st installment (34% of the account balance) and the $30.00 non-refundable tuition payment plan enrollment fee.


  • If the 2nd installment is due before your Aid is finished processing, you are responsible for paying that 2nd installment.
  • If the 3rd installment is due before your Aid is finished processing, you are responsible for paying that 3rd installment.
  • SVC’s goal is that your account balance is zero – if your Aid posts after you’ve made out of pocket payments, you may be entitled to a refund. You can learn more about refunds in the below section on this page about refunds.


When can I enroll in a tuition payment plan?

Enrollment into tuition payment plans mirrors enrollment dates for each quarter. You can view exact dates on the Important Dates and Deadlines Calendar

When is the last day to enroll in a tuition payment plan?

The last day to enroll in a payment plan corresponds with the Census (enrollment lock) date for financial aid students. The last day to enroll in a tuition payment plan is always the day before the Census (enrollment lock) date for financial aid students. Published dates are on the Important Dates and Deadlines Calendar.

When are the tuition payment plan due dates?


Amount Description Due Date
$30.00 Plan Enrollment Fee Mar. 12, 2024
34% of Balance Due 1st Installment Mar. 12, 2024
33% of Balance Due 2nd Installment Apr. 10, 2024
33% of Balance Due 3rd Installment May 11, 2024
Where/how do I enroll in a payment plan?

Enrolling in the payment plan is a 2-step process.

  • Enroll in the payment plan online through ctcLink
  • Make the 1st installment + the $30.00 enrollment fee

HOW TO: Online Payments and Payment Plans

The “quick steps” are: 

  1. Go to
  2. At top of the page, hover over Students and click ctcLink.
  3. Click ctcLink Login tile and log in as needed – Dashboard displays.
  4. On left, expand the red menu (if needed), scroll down to the bottom of the menu and click Full SiteStudent Homepage displays.
  5. Click Financial Account tileAccount Balance page displays.
  6. On the left menu, click Account Services and then Enroll in Payment Plan. Select the quarter of your payment plan.
  7. There are 4 screens to enroll in a payment plan – follow the prompts on each screen.
How do tuition payment plan payments work?
  • The tuition payment plan moves qualified tuition and fee charges on to a separate due date schedule. This divides the overall balance due equally across three due dates, not one.
  • The tuition payment plan generates the budget (overall amount of the payment plan) based on charges on the account. When it is building the budget, it does not look at out of pocket payments, pending Aid, or posted Aid. It only looks at charges.
    • Because the computer only looks at charges, you may see large monthly payments when you’re enrolling in the plan.
    • After you enroll in the tuition payment plan, the computer will look at charges AND any payments – it will recalculate appropriately based on actual payments and actual posted Aid. It will never include “pending” Aid.
  • By enrolling in the tuition payment plan, the student agrees to make the scheduled payments by the scheduled due dates.
    • The student must chose to enroll in the tuition payment plan. This means that the student must chose to enroll in the tuition payment plan each term where they want to use a tuition payment plan. 
    • They do this by logging in to ctcLink’s Financial Account tile and enrolling in the tuition payment plan. Once they enroll in the tuition payment plan, they agree to the terms and conditions of that quarter’s tuition payment plan.
    • Detailed terms and conditions for the tuition payment plan are available as a PDF on this website. Review the section “What are the terms and conditions of the tuition payment plan?
  • If the student is waiting for Aid and that Aid is not posted by each installment due date, the student is financially responsible for making those scheduled payments.
  • There is no auto-pay or scheduled payment. This means the student must act on or before each installment due date and make a payment to SVC – online (preferred), in-person, or over the phone.
  • Failure to make installment payments will result in the student being kicked off the payment plan. This means the student will be eligible to be dropped due to non-payment.
What are the terms and conditions of the tuition payment plan?

WIN24 Tuition Payment Plan Policy
SPR24 Tuition Payment Plan Policy

My Aid is "ready to pay" - do I still need a tuition payment plan?

If your Aid has been tagged “ready to pay” by SVC Financial Aid, you may not need a payment plan. Ask yourself “is my Aid more than my tuition and fee charges?”

  • If yes, great – you don’t need a tuition payment plan so long as your Aid is tagged “ready to pay.”
  • If no, your SVC Financial Aid should still be tagged “ready to pay.” Once your Aid posts to your Financial Account tile (usually the first day of the quarter), you can enroll in a tuition payment plan and make that 1st installment + enrollment fee.


When are tuition and fees due?

SVC has three (3) rolling enrollment periods. What day you enroll in your class matters – it will determine when your tuition and fees are due. The rolling enrollment date ranges are called Cardinal 1, Cardinal 2, and Cardinal 3. Exact quarterly due dates are on the Important Dates and Deadlines calendar. 

What are Cardinal 1, Cardinal 2, and Cardinal 3?

SVC has three (3) rolling enrollment periods. We call these enrollment periods Cardinal 1, Cardinal 2, and Cardinal 3. Generally, the rolling enrollment periods are:

  • Cardinal 1 | Registration opens for enrollment through the 1st
    tuition and fee deadline
  • Cardinal 2 | Registration from the 1st tuition and fee deadline
    through the day before classes start
  • Cardinal 3 | Registration from the day before classes start
    through Pell Census

Exact dates are published on the Important Dates and Deadlines calendar.

Can I enroll in a payment plan?

SVC offers a 3 month payment plan each quarter. In general:

  • The 1st installment is due before the quarter starts.
  • The 2nd installment is due after the quarter starts.
  • The 3rd and final installment is due before
    enrollment opens for the next quarter.

Exact dates are published on the Payment Plan website.

What if I can't pay by the deadline?

If tuition and fees are not paid by the published deadlines, the student risks being administratively dropped due to non-payment. The term “paid” can mean:

  • The financial account is paid in full where the account balance = $0.00
  • Financial Aid is “ready to pay” – meaning that all Financial Aid requirements have been met and the SVC Financial Aid team is waiting until the 1st day of class so they can post your Aid to your tuition and fees
  • The student has enrolled in a tuition payment plan and the 1st installment + $30 enrollment fee have been paid in full

If the student cannot pay their balance in full OR their Aid is not “ready to pay” by the published deadlines, students may want to consider enrolling in a tuition payment plan. Enrollment in a tuition payment plan is a 2-step process:

  1. Enroll in the payment plan online through ctcLink
  2. Make the 1st installment + the $30.00 enrollment fee

HOW TO: Online Payments and Payment Plans

When will you drop students due to non-payment?

Published deadlines are on the Important Dates and Deadlines website.

What if I adjust my schedule after the quarter starts?

It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to add or drop classes. If they do not plan to attend a class or quarter, they need to drop themselves from those class(es) or quarter.

If you need to adjust your schedule after the term starts, you may still be financially responsible for any dropped classes – even if you’re just switching sections (example: moving from an AM class time to a PM class time). The last day to be 0% financially responsible for dropped classes is published on the Important Dates and Deadlines calendar.


What if someone else is paying for my education?

Review your Financials Account tile* in ctcLink. If you do not see the expected third-party, agency, or VA payment, contact [email protected].

NOTE: You may need to submit an electronic letter from your payer which includes a voucher or expected payment date. Plan accordingly.

*If your tile says “contact the Cashier’s office to complete your account profile” you have some additional troubleshooting to do. Go to this website to complete your account profile setup.

I'm using EdAssist/Bright Horizons - where do I start?

Email your voucher to Include your ctcLink number in the body of your email.

I'm expecting Financial Aid to pay my bill - what do I need to know?

From start to finish, it takes about 4-8 weeks for your Financial Aid to be processed and “ready to pay.” PLAN ACCORDINGLY to ensure your Aid is ready to pay by the tuition and fee deadlines. FAFSA opens each year on October 1st. It is recommended that students set a reminder for October 1st of every year to fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) on

If you are still waiting for Financial Aid to process and the tuition and fee deadline is approaching, students may want to consider enrolling in a payment plan while Aid processes. Enrollment in Payment Plans is a 2-step process

  • Enroll in the payment plan online through ctcLink
  • Make the 1st installment + the $30.00 enrollment fee

HOW TO: Online Payments and Payment Plans

If you have questions about the Financial Aid process, please reach out to SVC Financial Aid. Their contact information is on the SVC Financial Aid website.

I’m a running start student – why do I have fees?

Running Start is a great opportunity for high school students! Some students may owe a balance each term while others do not. Below are some common reason why a Running Start student would see a balance due at SVC.



You just registered for classes

Processing your account will take time. Please allow at least 3 business days for the SVC Enrollment Services team to process your paperwork.

You are taking more than 21 credits

As of Fall 2023, Running Start can cover up to 21 credits (units). Anything above this is the student’s financial responsibility.

For more information, reach out to your High School Counselor and/or SVC Enrollment Services, [email protected].

You are not marked as “free and reduced”

Students who are eligible for the Free and Reduced Meal Program at their High School can have most of their mandatory student fees and course-specific fees waived.

For more information, reach out to your High School Counselor and/or SVC Enrollment Services, [email protected].

A class you are taking is NOT above 100 level

Running Start covers classes above 100 level. If you are taking course(s) below 100 level (example: Math 99), Running Start will not cover them and you will be financially responsible for the class(es).

You are taking over 21 credits but your tuition still seems really high…

Your residency status is “undetermined.” This is a common issue when Running Start students apply to SVC. When you applied to SVC, you did not tell us if you were a resident of Washington State. Because of this, you are being charged “out of state” tuition rates for anything above what Running Start covers.

Email [email protected] and ask them what documentation you need to provide to receive the “in-state” rate.

I'm using military benefits (example: MyCAA or TA) - where do I start?

The first step is to connect with Sue Jensen on the Whidbey Island Campus. Her email is [email protected].

I'm using military benefits (example: CH33 or CH31) - where do I start?

The first step is to connect with the SVC Veterans Education Department. Their contact information is on their website.

I'm an international student - what do I need to know about my bill?

You will be financially responsible for your tuition, mandatory student fees, and course-specific fees. Your bill is due 2 weeks before the quarter begins. Please note:

  • International fund transfers take time.
  • Some cards have daily or amount limits.

Planning is essential. Your tuition and fees must be paid in full before the tuition and fee deadline.


There's a negative number on my account - what does that mean?

If you see a negative number on your Student Financial Account, it means there is an overpayment of some kind. In most cases, an overpayment can be refunded. Skagit Valley College issues 3 kinds of refunds, classified in the next few sections.

Financial Aid Refund

Any overpayment tied to Aid will be refunded through the 3rd party – BankMobile. Learn more on the SVC Financial Aid Department website related to Financial Aid Refunds

Account Credit Refund

If your original payment was not made online through ctcLink, your refund will be issued back to you via a paper check.

Online Card Payment

If your original payment was made online through ctcLink, the refund may be generated back to the card used to make that payment. HOWEVER: If the original online payment was made more than 6 months ago or the card used to make that payment is expired, SVC will issue a paper check.

I have more questions about refunds - who can I contact?

Financial Aid or BankMobile: SVC Financial Aid

All other refunds: Lisa Mirante, Student Accounts
Phone: 360.416.7788


I paid my past due balance - why do I still have a hold?

Thank you for your payment! Past due holds are removed 3 times a day by the ctcLink system. Your patience is appreciated while the system runs this task. If your past due hold is still on your account 48 hours after your payment, please reach out to     

I'm in CVV Housing - how can I make housing payments?

There are three ways to pay your CVV Housing Fees.

Available 24/7 – log in using MySVC credentials to the CVV online payment portal and make a Visa or Master Card payment.

Available Monday to Thursday, 9AM to 4PM – In-person or over the phone with the SVC Cashier. You must provide your ctcLink number and the amount you want to pay. The SVC Cashier does not have access to your CVV account balance. See above FAQ section for PAYMENTS.

Available Monday to Friday, 8AM to 7PM – Slowest Processing Time – provide a check, Visa, or Master Card information to the CVV Main Office in Birch 100. All checks must be made out to Campus View Village.

What is IRS Tax Form 1098-T?

The IRS tax form 1098-T is a statement that SVC is required to issue to certain students. The 1098-T form provides a calendar year summary of out of pocket payments made up to the amount of qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE).

NOTE: Not all students qualify for tax form 1098-T. If you did not pay out of pocket in any given calendar year, you will not qualify for tax form 1098-T.

How can I access tax form 1098-T?

You can receive tax form 1098-T electronically. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to

  2. At the top of the page, hover over Students, click ctcLink

  3. Click on the ctcLink Login tileDashboard displays

  4. Expand the left menu, click Full Site (bottom of page) – Student Homepage displays

  5. Select the Financial Account tile. If your tile says “contact the Cashier’s office to complete your account profile”: Troubleshoot using the steps found here
  6. Select Account Services on the left menu, click View 1098-T available 1098-Ts display

  7. If you have not viewed your 1098-T, a button allowing you to consent to view your 1098-T online becomes available
  8. Select Grant Consent the 1098-T Consent Agreement text displays

  9. If you agree, check ‘Yes, I have read the agreement’ and click Submit 

If you do not provide consent to receive your 1098-T electronically, it will be mailed to the current mailing address on file. It is your responsibility to ensure that your mailing address and social security number are correct. This will enable you to receive your form in a timely manner. If you have questions on how to update your biographical information, connect with the SVC Enrollment Services Department

I received my 1098-T but have questions - who do I contact?

Lisa Mirante
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 360.416.7788

My question was not answered - who can I contact?

Hours of Operation

Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday: CLOSED


[email protected]
Please include your ctcLink number in all communications to SVC staff.

Physical Locations

  • Mount Vernon: Lewis Hall, 101-A
  • Whidbey Island: Old Main, Room 115

Mailing Address

Skagit Valley College
ATTN: Cashier
2405 East College Way
Mount Vernon, WA 98273-5899
Please include your ctcLink number in all communications to SVC staff.

Phone Numbers

Main Line (Mount Vernon): 360.416.7805
Back Up (Whidbey Island):  360.679.5353
If you are prompted, leave a message. This guarantees you a place in line for a callback. Include your ctcLink number in your voicemail.

My question was not answered in this FAQ… 

My question was not answered - who can I contact?

Hours of Operation

Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday: CLOSED


[email protected]
Please include your ctcLink number in all communications to SVC staff.

Physical Locations

  • Mount Vernon: Lewis Hall, 101-A
  • Whidbey Island: Old Main, Room 115

Mailing Address

Skagit Valley College
ATTN: Cashier
2405 East College Way
Mount Vernon, WA 98273-5899
Please include your ctcLink number in all communications to SVC staff.

Phone Numbers

Main Line (Mount Vernon): 360.416.7805
Back Up (Whidbey Island):  360.679.5353
If you are prompted, leave a message. This guarantees you a place in line for a callback. Include your ctcLink number in your voicemail.