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Program of Study

If you are interested in becoming a preschool through 3rd grade teacher who is prepared to work effectively with multilingual learners and their families, the Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education degree is for you. The course of study prepares students with the skills necessary for leading effective preschool and primary classrooms. The Bachelor's in Early Childhood Education program is a three-year degree designed for students who have completed an associate degree (AA, AAS-T, AAS, or ATA) in Early Childhood Education or Education Paraprofessional, seeking their Washington State Residency P-3 Teaching Certificate.

BAS Year 1

  • Fall Quarter - 10 credits
    • EDUC 315 - Early Childhood Development
    • EDUC 303 - Individual Learning Differences
  • Winter Quarter - 10 credits
    • ECED 360 - Planning for Instruction
    • ECED 390 - Assessment Methods
  • Spring Quarter - 10 credits
    • SOSC 304 - Counternarratives of Northwest History: Since Time Immemorial
    • ECED 311 - Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

BAS Year 2

  • Fall Quarter - 10 credits
    • Math 130 - Math for Early Childhood Educators
    • ECED 402 - Teaching Math in Early Childhood
  • Winter Quarter - 10 credits
    • ECED 480 - Early Literacy Methods
    • ECED 446 - Bilingual Education: Theory and Practice
    • ECED 389 - Phonics
  • Spring Quarter - 14 credits
    • Natural Science 300 - Inquiry-Based Science
    • Art 300 OR Spanish 301 - Art for Teachers OR Spanish Literature
    • ECED 461 - Teaching Content

BAS Year 3

  • Fall Quaerter - 11 credits
    • ECED 460 - Interdisciplinary Planning
    • ECED 409 - Professionalism Seminar
    • ECED 430 - Classroom Management
    • ECED 497 - Student Teaching I
  • Winter Quarter - 11 credits
    • ECED 410 - Collaboration Seminar
    • CMST 330 - Effective Classroom Communication Strategies
    • ECED 498 - Student Teaching II
  • Spring Quarter - 12 credits
    • ECED 411 - Leadership Seminar
    • ECED 499 - Student Teaching III


Upon completion of the Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education program, students will be able to:

  • Describe the range of developmental needs of children aged 3 to 8 years old, including how children learn new information and skills.
  • Differentiate instruction based on individual learning differences.
  • Create inclusive and cognitively engaging educational environments that support student learning.
  • Create learning experiences that use the central concepts and structures of the discipline to make the discipline accessible and meaningful to the students.
  • Use multiple methods of assessment to learn about the learners and identify what and how to best teach them.
  • Use instructional strategies that are culturally safe and responsive for a variety of children and families, including emerging multilingual learners.
  • Use a variety of instructional strategies that encourage learners to develop a deep understanding of content areas and their connections.
  • Plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals, be drawing upon knowledge of learners and the community context, as well as knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and cognitive science.

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