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Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education Application Steps

Closing Date for the Submission of Applications: April 1st 

The first cohort of the Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education program has 15 places and will earn you:

  • Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Early Childhood Education
  • Washington State Residency Teaching Certificate
  • Endorsement in Early Childhood Education

Interested participants should attend a program briefing. Participants will be required to meet all conditions of acceptance identified in the program acceptance letter the summer prior to the start of the Fall 2025 quarter.


Application Steps

1. Register for and Attend a Program Briefing

Choose a program briefing that fits with your schedule and register. At these faculty-led events, you will hear a program overview, including a discussion of its unique learning mode and entry requirements, and receive program application information.


2. Program Prerequisites

Program Prerequisites

Prerequisites for the Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education program and courses have been streamlined to make the opportunity for a bachelor’s degree as accessible as possible.

By the time of entry into the program, you must have:

  • Earned Associate Degree, with 2.75 or higher GPA.
  • Earned a 2.75 GPA (B-) in each of the following courses:
    • English 101
    • CMST& 210 or 220
    • EDUC& 115
    • EDUC& 130
    • EDUC& 150

* You may apply if you anticipate meeting these requirements before the start of Fall quarter. As long as there is time to complete those courses before the program starts. In these cases, you will receive provisional acceptance and these requirements must be cleared before the first day of Fall classes.


3. Submit an Application for the Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education Program

  • An application will be sent to you via email after you have participated in a program briefing session.
  • Use the link in the email sent to you.
  • The application link email will be sent to the same email address you used for the program briefing session.
  • The application requires you to upload your WEST-B exam score. All three sections of the WEST-B (reading, writing, math) must be taken. Equivalent assessments will also be accepted. See a list of accepted, equivalent assessment here. Your exam score will not impact your admittance decision.
  • The application requires you to provide an essay response to two prompts. The statement prompts, and the rubric are available below.
    • Describe your experiences with children. Please include the age groups you have worked with, the roles and responsibilities, and how this has helped shape your learning about what you will bring into the classroom.
    • Describe a specific incident or situation that challenged your understanding of diversity and social justice. How did it impact your beliefs and values? Explain how this experience has influenced your approach to diversity and social justice in your future role as teacher candidate.
  • Each essay should be between 800-900 words, which is about two single-spaced pages.
  • As bachelor's degree staff are not able to review drafts of your essay, we encourage those currently enrolled at SVC to consult the Writing Center for help. Your associate degree advisor may also be a great resource with this application.
  • The essay response is an important part of your application, we encourage you to give it your best effort.


4. Participate in a One-Hour Interview with ECE BAS Faculty

The interview format is designed to select candidates who are culturally responsive, understand and are motived to address inequities in the public education systems, exhibit traits of being an active listener, whose abilities and experience are aligned with the expectations of life-long learners, and who will be a good representative in our community. Interviews will be evaluated using this rubric.



The following rubric will be used to evaluate your essay and interview. Rubrics are a guide that lists the specific evaluation criteria used by reviewers.

Essay Rubric

Criteria Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Needs Development
Personal Goals and Self-Reflection Clearly articulates specific goals aligned with personal and professional aspirations and demonstrates throughful consideration of steps. Describes goals but they are not necissarily connected to personal and professional aspirations. Goals are vague or unclear and steps to achieve goals are missing or inadequate.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Provides detailed examples of significant contributions to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in educational or community contexts. Discusses the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion but lacks examples. Examples are limited or unclear. Limited reflection on the significance of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Early Childhood Experiences Provides several examples of various experiences working with children and explicitly shares how that has helped shape their learning and what they will bring into the classroom. Provides a few examples of experiences working with children and shares how that has helped shape their learning. Provides minimal experience working with children.


Interview Rubric


Criteria Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Needs Development
Personal Response clearly articulates a deep passion for teaching, sipported by compelling personal experiences and insights into the impact of education. Demonstrates a strong connection between motivation and the teaching profession. Response displays a genuine interest in teaching,  with identifiable motivations rooted in personal or academic experiences. Provides adequate explanations for pursuing a teaching career. Response lacks clarity or conviction in explaining motivations for teaching. Motivations are unclear or unrelated to the teaching profession. Fails to provide compelling reasons for pursuing teaching.
Asset-Based Mindset Consistently uses positive, empowering language that reflects an appreciation of individual and collective assets. In general, uses positive language, though it may occasionally revert to neutral or deficit-focused terms. Frequently uses deficit-focused language or negative framing, showing limited awareness of the impact.
Cultural Responsiveness Response demonstrates deep self-awareness of personal strengths and areas for growth related to cultural responsiveness and equity. Provides specific examples of experiences or elarning that have shaped this awareness. Shows clear commitment to ongoing reflection and growth in these areas. Response displays a level of self-awareness regarding strengths and growth areas in culturaly responsiveness and equity. Provides some examples or insights into personal experiences that contribute to this awareness. Expresses a willingness to learn and improve in these areas. Response lacks depth or self-awareness or reflection on strengths and growth areas in cultural responsiveness and equity. Examples ar vague or unrelated to the teaching context. Shows limited committment to ongoing development in these crucial areas. 
Community Response demonstrates extensive and meaningful experiences engaing witht he local community as an educator. Provides specific examples of initiatives or projects that have positively impacted the community and student success. Articulates a comprehensive and strategic approach to building relationships with families and community members to support student well-being and academic achievement. Response showcases some experiences in community engagement as an educator, with identifiable examples of conections with families and community members. Describes a proactive approach to building relationships to enhance student support and belonging.  Response lacks concrete experiences or examples of community engagement as an educator. Shows limited understanding of how to effectively build relationships with families and community members to support student success and foster belonging.


Register for a Program Briefing

Learn more about the program and the application process.

Register Now