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Information for Educators

Skagit Valley College’s CTE Dual Credit program is a cooperative program between local school districts and Skagit Valley College (SVC). This dual credit program allows 9th through 12th grade students the opportunity to earn SVC college credit while simultaneously earning high school credit in approved high school courses. Courses are college-level and equivalent to SVC courses in outcomes, instruction, and pedagogy. Students who enroll in the program and satisfy course requirements will have their coursework posted to an SVC transcript with the grade they earned in the course.


  • Teachers must be CTE certified to offer CTE Dual Credit courses.
  • The college and school district must have a contract in place, or commit to signing one in the future (there is a cost for school districts to participate in the program).

Course Articulation Process

To articulate a course for CTE Dual Credit:

  1. The high school teacher should review the SVC course catalog for courses they are interested in articulating.
    1. The high school course must be equivalent to the SVC course, including but not limited to: meeting the College's course outcomes, grading standards, theoretical, and predagogical standards.
  2. If the teacher finds a course they would like to align with, they should submit the CTE Articulation Form and necessary attachments to for review.
  3. The SVC CTE Dual-Credit team will route the articulation to the appropriate SVC faculty for review. If any changes are neccessary to move forward with articulation, the faculty will reach out to the high school directly.
  4. Once the SVC faculty has reviewed and approved the articulation, the SVC Dual-Credit team will route for final signatures.