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8120 Print Management

Initial Date of Approval: 1/19/19

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Administrative Services


To centralize and streamline all printing at Skagit Valley College to cut costs, increase efficiency, and comply with applicable laws.



  1. Whenever possible, printing should be discouraged in favor of working from displayed images shared electronically. Employees and students should avoid printing email messages.
  2. Use data from printers, scanners and copiers will be recorded and analyzed for cost and efficiency. Reports on utilization will be provided to end users, supervisors, decision makers, and the State Department of Enterprise Services.
  3. The Department of Information Technology shall procure and distribute all new printers.
    • All new printers should be networked printers and meet the Energy Star standards. 
    • All new printers should be compatible with and enrolled in the College’s managed print program. 
    • Printers shall be made available to students, faculty, and staff. 
  4. The Department of Information Technology shall maintain all printers.
    • Paper: All paper will be purchased in consultation with the Business Office, where bulk purchases will be coordinated. Recycled paper will be typical. 
    • Ink and toner: Wherever possible, ink and toner should be purchased as part of the college’s managed print program. Otherwise, ink and toner will be purchased in consultation with the Department of Information Technology, where bulk purchases will be coordinated. 
    • Maintenance: Wherever possible, all printer maintenance and repair should be part of the college’s managed print program. Otherwise, maintenance will be coordinated by the Department of Information Technology. 
  5. The Department of Information Technology will review and evaluate the location of all printers (networked and locally attached) with the goal of reducing the number currently in use. Locally attached printers will be permitted only in the following cases:
    • If an individual employee cannot leave the workstation to retrieve printing due to security, health, or mobility issues, 
    • For a specific legal reason, 
    • With the approval of the Vice President for Administrative Services. 
  6. The Department of Information Technology shall administer a system of accountability for printing by employees and students.
  7. Administrative units of the College may use an off-site vendor for print jobs when all of the following are true:
    • Local printing options (including the Print Shop) cannot match the requirements of the job, 
    • The lowest cost has been negotiated in consultation with the Business Office, 
    • A record of the print job is submitted to the Department of Information Technology for year-end reporting. 
  8. The Department of Information Technology will track and report print metrics to the State Department of Enterprise Services as required by law.
  9. Any employee or contractor found to have violated the terms of this policy may be subject to loss of privileges or services and other disciplinary actions.


Print management: Overall framework defining goals and objectives of printing at an organization. Print management applies to all printing operations, including self-service and supplier generated printed materials, services,

and/or equipment.

Managed print program: Services offered by an external provider to optimize or manage an organization’s document output to meet certain objectives such as driving down costs, improving efficiency or reducing support workload.

Locally attached printer: A printer attached directly to workstations via USB or similar cables.

Networked printer: A printer attached to the campus computer network (wired or wirelessly) in such a way that networked computers can be configured to use it.

Standard capability printer: A printer capable of black and color prints in letter and legal size.

Enhanced capability printer: A printer capable of copying, scanning, and/or large format sizes.