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7100 Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Initial Date of Approval: 11/8/18

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Administrative Services


To provide guidelines for the safe use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), by any person, from or above the college’s campuses or properties. Operation of any UAS is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) website governing unmanned aircraft systems


A UAS, sometimes called a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot onboard – instead, the UAS is controlled by an operator on the ground. The UAS operations are regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Skagit Valley College establishes the following policy to govern the operation by any person of a UAS from or above the college’s campuses or properties. The policy is established to require and ensure compliance with ALL applicable laws, reduce safety risks, and preserve the security and privacy of members of the Skagit Valley College community.


Anyone wishing to operate a UAS vehicle over SVC campuses and properties must obtain prior approval from the Vice President of Administrative Services (VPA) using the Request for use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems at SVC form. This form may be obtained through the VPA’s office.

Commercial operators, civil operators and hobbyists are expected to possess a valid certificate of authorization from the FAA and be contracted and/or approved by the VPA.

Student projects, faculty, or staff wanting to operate a UAS over campus property may be considered without a certificate of authorization from the FAA. The determination will be made by the VPA based upon the scope of the request.

The VPA may designate another college official to approve such requests if the VPA is not available.

Any other UAS operations that do not meet the conditions listed above shall be prohibited on SVC campuses and properties