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7080 Custody, Control, and Issuance of Keys

Initial Date of Approval: 1/30/09

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Administrative Services


To provide guidelines for appropriate control of keys to college facilities.


The custody, control, and issuance of door, padlock, and other keys that are part of the Skagit Valley College master system shall be the direct responsibility of the Director of Physical Plant or his/her designee.


Keys will be issued only with the signature of the Director of Physical Plant or his/her designee and only after written justification prepared by an Associate Dean, Dean, or other authorized personnel. Staff or faculty member will initiate request with immediate supervisor, Associate Dean, or Dean who will prepare written justification for issuance and forward the request to Director of Physical Plant. If the request has adequate justification, the key will be issued. If, in the opinion of the Director of Physical Plant, the justification is inadequate, it will be returned to the initiator for further justification.

All keys must be signed for by the person receiving same. All keys must be promptly returned when no longer needed for the purposes issued or upon request from the facility director or his/her designee.

Great grand master keys will be issued only with signature of the President of Skagit Valley College or his/her designee.

No keys will be reproduced without written authorization of the Director of Physical Plant or his/her designee.

All disputes involving justification which cannot be resolved by mutual agreement will be adjudicated by the President of Skagit Valley College or his/her designee.