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7050 Restricted Use Recreational Equipment

Initial Date of Approval: 1/30/09

Revision Date(s):  6/14/10/5/25/16

Administrative Responsibility:Vice President of Administrative Services


Provide guidelines for the use of recreational equipment (skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, scooters, motor bikes, and bicycles) on college grounds to 1) protect and control pedestrian traffic and traffic of persons using the above mentioned recreational equipment, and 2) to protect from physical damage and more than ordinary wear to the wooden and concrete benches, brick and paved walkways, stairs, steps, loading ramps, handrails, plazas, and ramps for the disabled, caused by the use of the recreational equipment on such areas.


  • RCW 28B.50.140 (10 and 13) Board of Trustees—Powers and Duties
  • WAC 132D-350 Restricted use of skateboards, roller skates, scooters, two-wheeled motor bikes and bicycles (recreational equipment)
  • WAC 132D-350-040 Regulation of skateboards, roller skates, scooters, two-wheeled motor bikes or bicycles
  • WAC 132D-150 Code of Student Conduct


Skateboards, roller skates/blades, scooters, and two wheeled motor bikes (recreational equipment) may not be used on the campus without prior approval for such use by the Vice President of Administrative Services or his/her designee(s). Bicycles are allowed on campus when used in a safe manner.


  1. Enforcement of this chapter shall be the responsibility of the College President and the Vice President of Administrative Services.
  2. A user of the described recreational equipment who refuses to abide by these regulations will be asked to leave the campus. Refusal to obey will subject the person to being cited for trespass under the provisions of Chapter 9A.52 RCW.
  3. If the user is a student, the student will be asked to refrain from using the equipment on campus. If the student refuses, a proceeding may be initiated under the Code of Student Conduct, WAC 132D-150.


Skateboards: An oblong or rectangular board, made of wood, plastic, metal or components thereof, with wheels ridden, as down an incline, usually in a standing position. It may or may not be motorized.
Roller skates/blades: A shoe with wheels attached for skating over a flat surface, or a metal frame with wheels attached that can be fitted to the sole of the shoe.
Scooter: A foot operated vehicle consisting of a narrow board mounted between two wheels, tandem, with an upright steering handle attached to the front wheel.
Two wheeled motor bikes: All two wheeled vehicles powered by a motor (see also parking and traffic regulations).
This equipment shall be commonly referred to as recreational equipment for the purpose of this policy.