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7020 Scheduling Of College Facility Use

Initial Date of Approval: 1/30/09

Revision Date(s): 6/14/10, 12/19/12, 5/11/15

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Administrative Services


To establish guidelines for scheduling the use of college facilities.


  • Chapter 28B.10 RCW Colleges and Universities Generally
  • 132D-140 WAC Policy on the Use of College Facilities
  • SVC Policy 1310 Alcohol Beverage Service
  • SVC Policy 1300 Use of Facilities


SThe scheduling of college facilities will be through the Facilities and Operations office. Rental rates and fee schedule are available in the Facilities and Operations office.

Non-profit groups will need to show proof of their non-profit status.


Categories of Use

Use by College Groups for Non-Instructional Purposes

College facilities may be available for use by officially recognized or chartered college groups (faculty and staff association meetings, student government and club meetings, etc.) at no rental charge, provided that such use occurs during normal college operating hours and does not incur additional usage costs (custodial, setup, Security, etc.) above and beyond those associated with routine operations.

Usage fees may be charged where extra costs are incurred and will usually reflect the actual costs involved.

Use by Other Educational Organizations

College facilities may be used, on a rental basis, by other public or private educational institutions only insofar as they meet a community educational need not being fulfilled by the college and where they do not interfere with the normal operation of college programs and services.

Use by Others

Other organizations, including non-profit organizations, may be allowed to use college facilities on a time and space available basis. They will be charged rental and usage fees. College facilities should not become such a group’s permanent place of meeting under any circumstances.

General Facility Rental Requirements

  1. The use of intoxicating beverages without proper permits, the use of illegal drugs, or any objectionable conduct shall not be tolerated.
  2. Smoking shall be limited to those areas which are specified by the college and in accordance with state law.
  3. No decorations, signs, or the application of materials to walls, ceilings, windows, or floors shall be permitted which will mar, deface, or injure these surfaces. Organizations using college facilities are required to arrange for the immediate disposal of their decorations, materials, equipment, furnishings, or rubbish after using the facilities; otherwise they will be billed for any expense involved.
  4. Keys to buildings or facilities shall not be issued or loaned on any occasion to any using organization. Doors will be opened and locked by security or other authorized college personnel.
  5. Motor vehicles are to be parked in designated areas only.

Scheduling Use of College Buildings, Equipment, and Grounds

The procedures below pertain only to the Mount Vernon Campus of Skagit Valley College. Contact the Whidbey Island campus, San Juan Center, South Whidbey Center or Downtown Center individually for information on these sites.

Skagit Valley College Organizations

Call the Facilities and Operations office at 416-7695 to schedule the use of a college facility. All facility use must be requested by an authorized representative of the organization requesting facilities before the facility use will be scheduled. Requests not submitted at least seven (7) school days in advance of the event, may be denied use of the facilities.

Non-Skagit Valley College Organizations

Call the Facilities and Operations office at 416-7695 to schedule the use of a college facility. A rental contract must be signed and a deposit made prior to the facility being used. All facility use must be requested by an authorized representative of the organization requesting facilities before the facility use will be scheduled. Requests not submitted at least seven (7) school days in advance of the event, may be denied use of the facilities.

Facility Use/Rental Agreement

All events, conferences, etc. sponsored by a non-Skagit Valley College organization require completion of a Facility Use/Rental Agreement which must be signed by the authorized college official.


All billing will be done by the Skagit Valley College Business Office and all rental costs and fees will be paid directly to the Business Office.

College Non-Endorsement Disclaimer

Authorization for use of college facilities shall not be considered as endorsement of, or approval of, the activity, groups, or organization nor the purposes they represent.

Facilities/Event Supervision Requirements

The college reserves the right to require that one or more security officers or other staff members represent the colleg at any meeting or event held in college facilities.

These college employees have authority and responsibility for such areas as room use, unlocking areas and rooms reserved by groups, equipment use, individual and group conduct, performance supervision, etc.

Such services shall be paid for by the user organization as established in the fee schedule.

Event sponsors are expected to have control over and responsibility for the smooth operation of the event. However, the college Security Department is charged with ultimate responsibility for the smooth operation of the facility. Users of facilities for events are subject to these conditions and shall comply with them.

Security or other authorized member(s) of the staff shall be available at all times when college facilities are in use by any group. He or she will be alert to discover any damage or misuse of the premises and will report same immediately to the using organization and the college administration. If custodial service beyond that normally scheduled is required as a result of any meeting, such time shall be paid for by the organization as established in the fee schedule.

Responsibility for Loss or Damage

The organization using the facilities is solely responsible for equipment, personal belongings, currency, and merchandise. The college will not provide reimbursement for such situations. However, should college-owned or rental property be lost or damaged while in use by an organization, that organization shall be responsible for replacement or reimbursement of the item(s).