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6700 Theft Of Public Funds Or Property

Initial Date of Approval: 9/18/07

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Administrative Services


To identify a process for dealing with suspected theft of public funds or property.



In the event of a suspected loss of public funds or property, SVC will follow required procedures in order to:

  • Minimize loss,
  • Ensure that incorrect personnel actions are not taken,
  • Comply with RCW 43.09.185 and report losses to the Office of State Auditor (SAO).


Notification is given to the Vice President of Administrative Services of suspected loss of public funds or property. The Assistant Attorney General (AAG) shall also be consulted on incidents involving the loss of public funds or property when the nature or facts of the incident warrant legal advice. The suspected loss will be reported to SAO, Department of General Administration, Division of Risk Management, and local or state law enforcement officials if need be by the Vice President of Administrative Services or his designee.