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6600 Bookstore

Initial Date of Approval: 9/18/07

Revision Date(s): 6/14/10, 5/11/15

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Administrative Services


To identify the delegation of authority for the operation of a college bookstore



The purpose of the SVC Bookstore, as authorized by state law (RCW 28B.50.140 (5)) is to provide textbooks, course materials and supplies to support instructional programs at the college.


The bookstore provides textbooks and supplies and merchandise consistent with college retail stores at the time needed in the quantities requested at prices fair and consistent with good business practices. Products available in the college bookstore are sold with a profit margin designed to support self-sufficiency, provide for future capital improvements, and meet goals as determined by SVC administration. As a general rule, textbook prices follow industry standards and state college bookstore averages.

Course Materials

The SVC course materials requisition process is designed to support compliance with RCW 28B.10590 and HEOA Sec 112. Faculty and instructional departments are expected to submit requisitions according to the schedule established by the bookstore in conjunction with the instructional departments. As stipulated by HEOA Sec 112, the bookstore will make textbook information available to students as close to the start of registration as reasonably as possible.

Custom course materials and materials with limited return rights require advance departmental approval prior to orders being placed by the bookstore.


All on campus retail sales for student course materials and supplies are to be processed through the bookstore rather than through academic departments.

When feasible, a reasonable amount will be held in cash reserve for the bookstore at the end of each fiscal year. The cash reserve is intended as emergency funds, monies to cover the purchase of new bookstore equipment purchase, technology system upgrades and facility improvements. Any monies in excess of the cash reserve will be directed to the college.