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6500 Insurance

Initial Date of Approval: 9/18/07

Revision Date(s): 5/11/15

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Administrative Services


To identify the delegation of authority for the operation of a college bookstore


  • RCW 28B.10.842 Actions against regents, trustees, officers, employees, or agents of institutions of higher education.
  • RCW 4.92.130 Tortious conduct of state
  • OFM Policy 12.40 Insurance Coverage and Related Requirements


Skagit Valley College is self-insured in accordance with state policy.

Protection against fire loss is in the form of contingency funds and/or legislative appropriation for replacement of lost or damaged property. For buildings with unsatisfied debt, fire insurance is purchased through the State of Washington.

College trustees, officers, employees and other agents (including students who are acting as agents of the institution) have liability protection when acting in good faith within the scope of their duties. Legal defense is provided by the Attorney General. Judgments rendered against the state are paid from the Tort Claims Revolving Fund.

Fidelity (faithful performance) insurance is carried by the State of Washington on each employee. The treasurer to the Board of Trustees is also covered by the state Fidelity Policy.



Claims against the college are handled through the Vice President of Administrative Services and shall be reported immediately. The Vice President of Administrative Services will work with Department of Risk Management to submit claims.

Since no vehicle insurance is carried, the following procedure exists for resolving vehicle accident claims:

  • Any accidental loss to a state vehicle is reported to the Vehicle Tort Claims Unit. This is submitted within two days of the accident on State Accident Form SF 137.
  • Fully describe the damages to the state vehicle when completing the accident report.
  • All motor pool vehicles contain accident forms in the glove box.
  • Submit at least two estimates of repair costs.

State Employee Drivers—Privately Owned Vehicles (POVs)
State employees authorized to drive POVs used for official state business are required to comply with the State of Washington mandatory liability insurance requirements. A driver of a POV involved in an accident while on official state business is covered by his/her personal insurance policy. This insurance policy is considered “primary” for payment of all losses/recoveries arising from an accident while driving a POV. The Washington Self-Insurance Liability Program will act as an “excess policy” in the event limits of the private insurance policy are exhausted. Under certain circumstances, the state may assist in the defense and settlement of claims, including possible lawsuit defense, if warranted.

Student or Volunteer Drivers—State Vehicles and Privately Owned Vehicles (POVs)
Students and/or volunteers must receive prior authorization from the Vice President of Administrative Services to use state vehicles and POVs for official state business.