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6400 Travel

Initial Date of Approval: 9/18/07

Revision Date(s):  6/14/10, 5/11/15, 7/1/18

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Administrative Services


To ensure compliance with laws and regulations regarding travel for official college business.



Travel on official state business shall be in accordance with Office of Financial Management (OFM) policies and procedures related to travel.


In accordance with state regulations, an SVC employee may be reimbursed expenses incurred while in travel status on official state business. Any additional costs incurred for a non-employee (spouse, friend, etc.) accompanying an SVC employee on official state business will NOT be paid by the college. These additional costs are the responsibility of the traveler.

The following internal control procedures are adhered to for travel reimbursements:

Prior Authorization
Employees must receive prior authorization for all out-of-state travel. The President must approve all out-of-state travel requests prior to any travel arrangements being made.

Exceptions to maximum allowable per diem rates must also be authorized in advance of travel arrangements being made. Explanations for exceptions must be turned into the Business Office for prior approval.

Travel Advance
Employees may receive travel expense advances to defray some costs. Travel advances are prohibited for mileage reimbursement and the purchase of commercial airfare. Budget managers are responsible for authorizing travel advances charged to their account.

On or before the tenth day following the month in which such advance was furnished, the employee shall submit to the Business Office a fully itemized and approved Travel Expense Voucher. Based on the authorized Travel Expense Voucher, the employee will be reimbursed for expenses incurred in excess of the travel advance.

It is the responsibility of the traveler to return any unexpended portion of such advance to SVC when they return from travel status. When an employee defaults in accounting for or repaying an advance, the full unpaid amount shall become immediately due and payable with interest of ten percent per annum from date of default until paid.

When an event registration fee is required, the options for payment are:

  • Complete a Purchase Requisition with authorizing signatures and submit to Accounts payable for payment.
  • Employee pays his/her own registration costs and submits for reimbursement on Travel Expense Voucher. Submit the original receipt with the travel expense voucher for reimbursement.
  • Apply for a travel advance for the registration fee.

The use of the State Charge Card system is mandatory for the purchase of air travel arrangements. An employee may not purchase airfare from personal financial resources.

Employees make air travel arrangement through any travel provider including internet providers, a state contracted provider, or make arrangements directly through an airline. Online providers are allowed for airfare only.

SVC is to obtain airfare in the most cost effective and efficient manner. Three quotes must be submitted with the airfare purchase to document that the most cost effective and efficient fare was purchased. Written justification may also need to be submitted.

The following procedures shall be followed to make airfare reservations:

  • Research airfare provider rates.
  • Obtain 3 quotes.
  • Initiate a Purchase Requisition (PR) including: vendor, dates of flight, and destination, name of traveler, price of ticket, budget to be charged and obtain required authorizing signature. Include the 3 quotes with the PR.
  • Flight is then booked on state credit card.
  • Submit authorized PR and quotes with your Visa reconciliation, if charged on departmental purchasing card.
  • Submit authorized PR and quotes to the Business Office if booked through state contracted vendor.
  • Employees may claim airline mileage consistent with opinions issued by the WA State Ethics Board.

Lodging Reservations and Payment
The following options are available for lodging payments and/or reimbursements:

  • Make own lodging reservations using personal credit card or state-issued corporate card. Submit the original receipt with the travel expense voucher for reimbursement.
  • Reservation and payment of lodging may also be made using an SVC VISA business travel card upon request to the Business Office. An authorized Purchase Requisition must be submitted with this request. Original receipt must also be submitted to the Business Office upon return to the college for support of the credit card payment.

Lodging expenses may not exceed the maximum allowable lodging rates (per diem). For maximum allowable lodging rates, visit to the OFM Travel Rates Policy. Per diem rates are also posted on the SVC portal.

OFM does allow exceptions to the maximum allowable lodging rates in certain situations. These situations may be reviewed in the OFM Lodging Policy. The Business Office must approve any exceptions to the maximum rate in advance of any travel arrangements being made. When any exception to the maximum allowable lodging rate is used, OFM requires the traveler to provide an explanation describing why an exception was necessary. Also, the traveler is required to provide documentation to support his/her explanation.

An employee may be reimbursed for meal expenses if the Eleven Hour Rule (see below) is met. Reimbursement for meal expenses is on a per diem basis (see SAAM Travel Rates Policy).

Reimbursement for meals will not be authorized when a traveler does not incur expenses for meals because they are furnished.

  • According to OFM, travelers must be in travel status during the entire agency-defined meal period(s) in order to qualify to collect meal payments for meal(s). The traveler may not stop for a meal just to meet the eleven-hour rule. Our agency-defined meal periods are as follows:
  • Breakfast: 6am – 8am
  • Lunch: 12pm – 2pm
  • Dinner: 5pm – 7pm

Non-Travel Related Meals. The college may serve coffee and light refreshments, or meals, for certain business meetings regardless of travel status. The Business Office approves requests for these meals in advance of the meeting and/or purchase of food items. Contact the Business Office for the request form. The Business Office determines whether the request for coffee and light refreshments or meal served with a meeting is in compliance with SAAM 70.10 and 70.15 before approvals are made.

Eleven Hour Rule
If the trip does not involve an overnight stay, meals may only be reimbursed if the traveler has been in travel status for at least eleven hours. The traveler must also be in travel status during the entire agency-determined meal periods in order to qualify to collect meal per diem payments. Meal periods are defined in the Meals section above. The traveler may not stop for a meal just to meet the eleven-hour rule.

Rental Car
The state has a mandatory-use contract which ensures a government rate and insurance. Please contact the Purchasing Manager in the Business Office to identify the state contract vendor. An authorized Purchase Requisition must be generated listing the daily rate multiplied by the number of days to be used. Car rental reservations may be made through the state contracted travel agent or the Business Office will handle. If the destination is not accommodated by the state contract, the rental car company of choice may be used. Upon return, the original rental car receipt is submitted with the travel expense voucher.

Travel Expense Voucher
Reimbursement of travel expenses is achieved through the completion of a Travel Expense Voucher. This voucher may be found on the SVC intranet under “Travel Forms and Info”. Forms must be printed out for authorizing original signatures. The following information must be included in the preparation of a Travel Expense Voucher:

  • Name of claimant
  • Social Security Number of claimant
  • Month/year of travel
  • Official station/residence
  • Departure and return time and date.
  • Purpose of trip
  • Mileage if use of privately owned vehicle
  • Original, detailed receipts for parking, lodging, and other miscellaneous expenses in excess of $50.
  • Signatures of traveler, supervisor and budget manager.

The original Travel Expense Voucher is submitted to the Business Office for payments.

Travel Rates
Lodging, Meals, and Private Vehicle Mileage Rates for the Continental USA may be found at SAAM Travel Rates. For locations outside of Washington State, refer to the U.S. General Services Administration Per Diem Rates website. Per diem allowances for foreign locations, Alaska, and Hawaii are revised monthly and can be accessed at the U.S. Department of State Office of Allowances website.