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5750 Posting

Initial Date of Approval: 1/19/19

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Student Services


Skagit Valley College is committed to a safe and well-maintained campus environment. Posting facilities shall be reserved primarily for the use of students, faculty and staff to inform the campus community about college-related programs and activities.

Some space shall also be made available for posting by off-campus groups, individuals, or organizations; including commercial enterprise for promoting appropriate activities and/or opportunities in the community or at the college per the following procedures.



Members of the public and the campus community may post materials that advertise, publicize, or otherwise provide notice of classes, activities, events, or information consistent with and supportive of the teaching, research, and public service mission of Skagit Valley College in the following locations. Materials must not be threatening, defaming, or obscene. Should a complaint about any posted materials be made, the complaint will be reviewed by the Office of Student Life. Appeals of decisions made by the Office of Student Life can be made to the Vice President of Student Services. Advertising of alcohol, weapons and tobacco products is not permitted.

Skagit Valley College designates the following locations as public posting areas:

Mount Vernon Campus

  • Library entrance: left half of board.
  • Cardinal Center: across from C-178
  • Lewis Hall: L-122 above recycling

Whidbey Island Campus

  • Old Main (Stairwell)
  • Hayes Hall (near Sno-Isle Library)
  • Oak Hall (Second Floor Hallway)

South Whidbey Center

  • Room 112

San Juan Center

  • Main Lobby

Anacortes Marine Technology

  • Lobby Proper


The Office of Student Life has the responsibility to ensure that materials to be posted in Campus Community Posting Areas are not threatening, defaming, or obscene. Should a complaint about any posted materials, the complaint will be reviewed by the Office of Student Life. Appeals of decisions made by the Office of Student Life can be made to the Vice President of Student Services.

Skagit Valley College designates the following additional locations as limited for public use only by the campus community to post college-sponsored information, meetings, and events:

Mount Vernon Campus

  • Library entrance: right half of board.
  • Cardinal Center: across from C-178
  • Lewis Lobby above information kiosks.

Whidbey Island Campus

  • Old Main (Stairwell)
  • Hayes Hall (By Math Center)
  • Oak Hall (Outside of Student Services)

South Whidbey Center

  • Room 113

San Juan Center

  • Main Lobby

Anacortes Marine Technology

  • Primary Corridor

All other bulletin boards and display cases are reserved for designated college programs and departments as determined by the Vice President for Administrative Services or designee.

All other bulletin boards are assigned to specific departments. Departments’ bulletin boards should be clearly marked and provide contact information.



All materials must be date-stamped by the Office of Student Life. Materials must include information on the sponsoring organization, include the name and phone number of a contact. Posted materials not bearing a legitimate date stamp will be removed.

Individuals or groups posting literature on campus are responsible for removing it in a timely fashion. Any literature not removed by the individual or group may be taken down by student programs within 48 hours after the announced event or one month after the approval date-stamp, whichever is earliest.

Custodians and maintenance staff will immediately remove signs that are causing damage to the buildings or grounds or materials that are posted in non-designated areas.

Posted materials which are torn, damaged, or covering another posting will be removed and discarded.

It is strongly encouraged that all posted literature include both Spanish and English languages. If posted literature is in a language other than English, an English translation must be included or posted alongside the non-English language.

Distribution of literature by placing it on motor vehicles parked on Skagit Valley College property is prohibited.

Posting on glass doors or windows is reserved for emergency notifications, postings required by law or building code, or specific timely notifications at building entrances as determined by the college administration.

Violators of these provisions may be responsible for the cost of cleaning and/or restoration of any facility marred or damaged by the posting of literature.



Campus Community: Faculty, staff, and students currently enrolled or employed at Skagit Valley College.

Public: Everyone.