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5745 Advising

Initial Date of Approval: 2/17/17

Revision Date(s):  11/7/19

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Student Services


Skagit Valley College recognizes that high-quality advising is critical to student success. Advising is a team effort and shared responsibility involving Counselors, Navigators, and Instructional Faculty who communicate regularly and work together to proactively support students in a designated pathway.

Advising is a developmental process that focuses student through effective communication with the student, continual assessment of the student’s progress, and encouraging the student to take responsibility for their own success.


RCW 28B.50.140 Boards or trustees—Powers and duties.


Academic advising is an essential component to support the academic development of Kagit Valley College students throughout their time at SVC.

Each student will have mandatory advising checkpoints.

Students will receive advising in subsequent quarters based on procedures determined by the Vice President of Student Services.


Advising procedures can be found in the Skagit Valley College Advising Guide.