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5740 Academic Integrity

Initial Date of Approval: 4/22/09

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Student Services


Skagit Valley College provides a welcoming and supportive climate in which all people are respected and differing ideals and opinions are valued. A sense of mutual trust is critical to achieving such a community. Lying, cheating, and other acts of academic dishonesty are not acceptable in the Skagit Valley College community of trust. An Academic Honor Code has been established that details specific behavior that constitutes academic dishonesty and describes the process by which such behavior will be dealt with by college faculty and student conduct administrators.


WAC 132D-150 Skagit Valley College Code of Student Conduct


The Academic Honor Code at Skagit Valley College establishes a fundamental social contract within which the college community agrees to live. Each member of the college community is expected to uphold the values of the honor code. Alleged honor code violations will be investigated through the procedures in the Code of Student Conduct and other college disciplinary policies.


The Academic Honor Code can be found on the Skagit Valley College website.