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5710 Anti Hazing

Initial Date of Approval: 4/22/09

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility:Vice President of Student Services


Skagit Valley College prohibits student organizations and their members from engaging, individually or collectively, in hazing activities.


  • RCW 9A.20.021 Maximum sentences for crimes committee July 1, 1984, and after.
  • RCW 28B.10.900 “Hazing” defined.
  • RCW 28B.10.901 Hazing prohibited—Penalty.
  • RCW 28B.10.902 Participating in or permitting hazing—Loss of state-funded grants or awards—Loss of official recognition or control—Rules.
  • WAC 132D.150 Code of Student Conduct


To comply with the Revised Codes of Washington Anti-Hazing Laws RCW 28B.10.900, RCW 28B.10.901, and RCW 28B.10.902.


Initial questions or complaints regarding hazing are to be directed to the approved Dean of Student Services. Appeals are to be heard in accordance with the procedures described in the Code of Student Conduct. (WAC 132D.120)