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5340 Graduation

Initial Date of Approval: 4/22/09

Revision Date(s): 12/17/24

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Student Services


To outline necessary steps for students to graduate with a state-approved diploma, certificate, or degree.


Diplomas, certificates, and degrees will be awarded when students apply to graduate and meet requirements for their plan of study. Students can complete their plan(s) of study at the end of any quarter. Commencement ceremonies are held at the end of spring quarter only. Students who will graduate the following summer quarter may participate in commencement.


  1. Students should apply to graduate 3-6 months before their anticipated graduation quarter by completing a graduation application on the SVC website. Note: the graduation application feature in ctcLink is not in use currently.
  2. Students who have applied to graduate may sign up for a spring quarter commencement ceremony after Student Services sends an invitation.
  3. After grades post for the quarter in which students have applied to graduate, the SVC evaluation team will begin reviewing applications and awarding diplomas, certificates, and degrees. Students should allow up to six (6) weeks before their credential appears on their transcript.
  4. Students will receive their digital and paper diploma free of charge from Parchment eight (8) weeks after grades are posted.
  5. Students may reorder a digital and paper diploma via for an additional cost.
  6. More information may be found at SVC’s Graduation & Commencement page.
  7. If students have questions regarding graduation, they may contact


Graduation: the awarding of a state-approved diploma, certificate, or degree once the requirements for that diploma, certificate, or degree have been successfully completed.

Commencement: a ceremony in which students can celebrate their academic accomplishments.