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5330 Grade Forgiveness

Initial Date of Approval: 4/22/09

Revision Date(s): 7/10/24
Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Student Services


To give students who have returned to Skagit Valley College (SVC) after at least two years’ absence the opportunity to exclude failing or D grades from their grade point average (GPA).


Students who have returned to SVC after two or more years of non-enrollment may request grade forgiveness for all D, D-, D+, E, or F grades earned prior to their return.

To be eligible for grade forgiveness, students must:

  • Have completed at least one quarter at SVC after their return; and
  • Have earned a 2.0 or higher in graded-basis courses each quarter after their return.

Grades marked as grade forgiveness will remain on the student’s transcript but will not calculate in quarterly or cumulative GPA. Once grade forgiveness has been applied to a course, its credits can no longer be used for degree or certificate completion.


To request grade forgiveness, students should email the following information to

  • Their ctcLink student ID number
  • The list of courses for which they are requesting grade forgiveness

 The registrar will verify that the student meets the requirements and apply grade forgiveness to the requested courses.


Graded-basis courses: SVC-designated courses for which grades are calculated towards the cumulative GPA.