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4300 Academic Standards And Grading

Initial Date of Approval: 1/30/09

Revision Date(s):

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Academic Affairs


The college evaluates student learning or achievement upon clearly stated and distinguishable criteria.


  • SBCTC: Guidelines for Prior Learning Assessment (Approved Jan. 2000)
  • SVC 2005-07 Catalog
  • Chapter 132D-150 WAC



Letter Grade 

Grade Point 

Excellent  A  4.00 


Above Average 

A-  3.70 
B+  3.30 
B  3.00 



B-  2.70 
C+  2.30 
C  2.00 


Below Average 

C-  1.70 
D+  1.30 
D  1.00 
D-  0.70 
Failing  E  0.00 


Grade not received from instructor 

*  Not counted in GPA 
Incomplete  I  Not counted in GPA 
Audit  N  Not counted in GPA 
Pass  P  Not counted in GPA 
Ceased Attendance  V  Not counted in GPA 
Withdrawal  W  Not counted in GPA 

In Progress/Reregister 

Y  Not counted in GPA 
Passing Level Work Not Attained  Z  Not counted in GPA 
Course Repeated  Grade+R  Not counted in GPA 
Statue of Limitations  Grade+*  Not counted in GPA 

The SVC Code of Student Conduct (WAC 132D-150-040) protects students “from academic evaluation which is arbitrary, prejudiced, or capricious.” Students may seek redress for matters relating to student evaluation using the process described in Policy 5705 Student Complaint.

Credit for Prior Learning

Skagit Valley College will assess and award credit for prior learning that has occurred outside the classroom and/or through previous educational endeavors per the Washington State Community and Technical College Guidelines for Prior Learning Assessment.

Application of credits to the College’s Associate in Arts University and College Transfer (AAUCT) and other transfer degrees shall be in accordance with requirements in the college catalog.

Transferring in Credit from Other Colleges
Skagit Valley College will accept native credits and transferred in credits according to the applicability to the student’s chosen program.

In the case of advanced placement, the Skagit Valley College evaluator will, upon receipt of the completed advanced placement courses on official transcript, determine applicability of courses to the student’s chosen program.

Application of credits to the college’s AAUCT and other transfer degrees shall be in accordance with requirements in the college catalog.

Degree and Certificate Requirements
To be awarded college degrees, certificates, and/or diplomas, students must complete requirements currently in effect as specified in the college catalog, with the provision that a student who is continuously enrolled (with the exception of summer quarter) may qualify for graduation on the basis of requirements stated in the catalog that was in existence when the student first enrolled.