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4050 Program Viability and Termination

Initial Date of Approval: 6/10/22

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Academic Affairs


Program viability analysis occurs every two years in alignment with the college’s operational planning process. Program viability includes a review of enrollment trends, industry standards, employment rates, and current wages.

At the end of the viability review period, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will make a recommendation to President’s Cabinet regarding program status. Final authority for any program termination rests with the President. No part of the program termination process in any way relieves the college of its responsibility for adherence to provisions of the faculty collective bargaining agreement or Washington law concerning termination of employment. Program termination does not relieve the college of its commitment to students to complete a credential within an impacted program. Programs may be placed on temporary hiatus, or close enrollment for one year, without following the Program Viability and Program Termination procedure if there is no staffing, the program needs extensive redesign, or due to temporary budgetary reductions.

For the purposes of this policy, program is defined by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities as “a systematic, usually sequential, grouping of courses, forming a considerable part, or all, of the requirements for a degree or a credential. In this context, the General Education components of baccalaureate degrees and transfer associate degrees and the related instruction components of applied degrees are considered to be programs.”


Program viability data will be provided to department chairs and instructional administrators in alignment with the college operational planning process. If programs show declining enrollment, misalignment of curriculum with industry, or diminishing employability and/or low wages, department chairs and the appropriate instructional administrator will develop strategies to correct deficiencies, and determine a reasonable timeline in which to bring about satisfactory resolution to the identified area(s) needing improvement. During this time, the program will be considered on “viability review status.” The committee will provide written notice to the program staff, specifying the expectations that will enable the program to be declared viable. If it is determined that the program is not viable, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will make a recommendation of program termination to President’s Cabinet. Final authority for any program termination rests with the President.