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4000 Instructional Program And Degree Requirements

Initial Date of Approval: 1/30/09

Revision Date(s): 4/20/17, 6/22/20, 6/10/22

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Academic Affairs


It is Skagit Valley College’s responsibility to develop and maintain a comprehensive program of instruction which includes academic transfer courses, workforce education, basic skills instruction (adult basic education and English as a Second Language), and opportunities for business and community development.

Policies and procedures in this section provide clear rules and processes by which the college fulfills this responsibility.


  • RCW 28B.50.020 
  • RCW 28B.50.090(3)(a) 
  • RCW 28B.50.090(7)(c) 
  • ICRC Direct Transfer Agreement for Associate in Arts Degree, approved 1996, effective 1998 
  • SBCTC: Transfer Associate Degrees – Major Ready Pathways (MRP) 
  • SBCTC: Professional/Technical Program Approval Process Policy (updated 5/14/09) SVC Board of Trustees Policy BSL -2 (6) 


As an accredited institution, Skagit Valley College is responsible for creating and maintaining high quality instructional programs regardless of delivery method. All college programs culminate in identified student competencies and lead to degrees or certificates in recognized and approved fields of study.

The goals of the institution’s educational programs, including instructional policies, methods, and delivery systems, support the College’s mission. The College’s curriculum (programs and courses) is planned both for optimal learning and accessible scheduling. Degree and certificate programs demonstrate a coherent design and are characterized by appropriate breadth and depth, sequencing of courses, synthesis of learning, and the assessment of learning outcomes. The use of library and other information resources are required. 


Adding Instructional Programs and Certificates

The requirements for degrees, certificates, and high school diplomas awarded by the state’s community and technical colleges must follow guidelines and approval processes established by the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC).

  1. New or significant modifications to degrees or certificates of 45 credits or more shall be proposed and recommended through the college’s operational planning process. Certificates of less than 45 credits shall be proposed and recommended through the department chair, appropriate dean, and the Instruction Committee.
  2. New or significant modifications to degrees and certificates of 45 credits or more shall be submitted by the appropriate department chair and/or Dean to the General Education Committee for deliberation. All actions of the General Education Committee will be sent to the supervising Dean and the Vice President of Academic Affairs for review, comment, and approval.
  3. The Vice President of Academic Affairs initiates the specified approval process required by the SBCTC. In order to expedite the internal process, proposals may be sent to the General Education Committee and the SBCTC simultaneously.
  4. The Vice President of Academic Affairs submits new degrees to the President for final approval by the Board of Trustees.


Administrator Responsibilities

The Vice President of Academic Affairs is a member of the General Education Committee. The Vice President will be party to all actions taken by General Education Committee, and has authority to comment on committee actions and deliberations.

Program Review

Instructional programs are reviewed for improvement purposes on a regular schedule by faculty, department chairs, deans and the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

The Director of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness assists faculty, department chairs, deans, the Vice President of Academic Affairs in the program review process. The Vice President for Instruction monitors program improvement efforts through the program planning and assessment process.