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3110 Relocation Compensation

Initial Date of Approval:4/15/20

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility:Vice President of Human Resources


To authorize relocation compensation in accordance with state and college regulations.


  • SAAM 60.10 State Administrative and Accounting Manual Moving Expense Policies
  • SAAM 25.30.60 State Administrative and Accounting Manual Wage Computations
  • RCW 43.03.125 Relocation compensation for domiciliary moves.
  • WAC 357-28 Compensation


Authority to approve lump sum relocation compensation is as follows:

  • For president;
  • For administrative employees in supervisory positions;
  • For full time faculty positions;
  • Other positions may qualify on a case by case basis per OFM guidelines.

The full amount of the relocation incentive payment must be repaid to the college if within one year of the date of appointment the employee voluntarily terminates employment or engages in behavior that makes termination of employment necessary. Termination of employment as a result of layoff, disability separation, or other good cause, as determined by the Vice President for Human Resources (or their designee), does not require repayment of the relocation compensation.