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3060 Telework

Initial Date of Approval: 7/20/11

Revision Date(s):  6/8/20, 4/15/22

Administrative Responsibility: Vice President of Human Resources


To provide employees the opportunity to perform some or all of their assigned duties at other than the conventional workplace to enhance employee productivity, creativity and job satisfaction, as well as maintain or improve utilization of office space, while also contributing to commute trip reductions.



The SVC Telework Policy is designed to make sure employees understand the college’s expectations while working from home and who is eligible to participate in the telework program.

The Telework Policy is governed by the standards and procedures contained within this document, negotiated agreements and applicable laws.

In the event of a school or public emergency, SVC may adjust the Telework Policy to ensure educational, business and operational continuity as deemed necessary by the President of the college and the Vice President of Human Resources.


Telework is a temporary arrangement between the employee and their administrator, which may be terminated by either party with reasonable notice.

To be approved, a telework agreement and workplan must be developed that meets the following conditions:

  1. Approval of the telework arrangement will have no negative impact on:
    • The employee’s or another employee’s performance;
    • Student and/or customer service;
    • Inter-departmental communications;
    • The efficiency or effectiveness of work coordination between interdependent work units.
  2. Approval of both the employee and the immediate supervisor, indicating agreement on the teleworking conditions and restrictions.
  3. The employee and the employee’s immediate supervisor must complete the Telework Agreement and Work Plan and gain approval by the Unit Dean or equivalent approval authority before any telework arrangement can begin.

To apply for a telework arrangement, an employee and their immediate supervisor must complete the following, without exception: Telework Assignment Agreement and Work Plan. 



The employee and the employee’s immediate supervisor must complete the Telework Agreement and Workplan and gain approval by the Unit Dean or equivalent appropriate authority, before any telework arrangement can begin. 

The agreement shall include the following: 

  1. A work schedule; 
  2. The location of the alternate worksite; 
  3. A brief description of how the duties of the position will be carried out and where each duty will take place (i.e. at an alternate worksite, on site); 
  4. Communications procedures to be used; 
  5. What equipment and/or supplies (including computer hardware/software configurations) will be used and who will provide them, and 
  6. Any applicable data security procedures. 

Telework agreements shall not exceed one year in duration and must provide specific time intervals for meetings and communications with the employee’s supervisor, co-workers, students, and other constituents as appropriate. Skagit Valley College’s business and operational needs take precedence over teleworking and may justify termination of the agreement. Modification to existing agreements or new agreements must follow the eligibility requirements and Telework Agreement guidelines as established. Modifications to the agreement may be initiated by either the employee or supervisor.  

A copy of the Telework Agreement and Workplan will be kept on file with the teleworker’s supervisor, and the original will be kept in Human Resources. 


Each teleworking arrangement must address three important aspects; conditions of alternate worksite, equipment and supplies, conditions of employment while teleworking:

Conditions for Alternate Worksite

  1. Skagit Valley College is responsible for providing standards to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for the teleworker at an alternate worksite. The employee will agree to follow these standards and safe working procedures.
  2. Skagit Valley College shall retain the right to evaluate telework location conditions at any time.
  3. When the teleworker’s alternate worksite is in the home, the teleworker shall be responsible for maintaining a designated workspace in a safe, healthy, professional, and secure manner. Failure to do so may be cause for termination of the telework agreement and/or disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  4. It is the employee’s responsibility to immediately report to their supervisor any/all industrial accident(s) occurring as a result of performing job related responsibilities.
  5. Since the employee’s remote workspace will be considered an extension of Skagit Valley College’s workspace, the State’s liability for job-related injuries to the employee will apply. Since the workplace and home will be one in the same, worker’s compensation will not apply to non-job-related injuries that might occur in the home.

Equipment and Supplies

  1. The supervisor will evaluate equipment needs in collaboration with the SVC IT Department and will document equipment assigned to the telework location on the Telework Agreement and Work Plan.
  2. The employee is responsible for the protection and security of the equipment Skagit Valley College assigns to the employee’s telework location until it is returned to Skagit Valley College.
  3. If Skagit Valley College equipment on loan to a teleworker is damaged or stolen while in the possession of the teleworker, the employee must immediately notify their supervisor in accordance with OPPM 6700- Theft of Public Fund or Property.
  4. If the employee uses personal equipment, they must adhere to all data and security requirements outlined in the Teleworking Policy and may be required to certify that they have installed recent virus protection software.
  5. If the employee does not have equipment assigned or provided by their department, they may be authorized to “check-out” equipment on a temporary basis from the IT Department. In such case, the employee will follow any IT required procedures and will document the equipment on the Telework Agreement and Work Plan.
  6. If the alternate worksite is other than the employee’s home, Skagit Valley College will have responsibility for providing the appropriate equipment.
  7. The supervisor may arrange for the teleworker to connect to the Skagit Valley College network through the SVC IT Department.
  8. If a SCAN number is assigned to the employee, it will be used solely for work related calls. Work-related, long-distance call charges using other carriers will be reimbursed according to existing Skagit Valley College procedures.

As each teleworking arrangement will be unique, an agreement may contain specific rules and conditions under each of these aspects that the employee, supervisor and Skagit Valley College have identified as important to ensure that particular arrangement is successful.

Conditions of Employment Teleworking

  1. The duties, obligations, and job responsibilities assigned to the employee will remain the same while teleworking.
  2. During a teleworking agreement the employee’s salary, benefits and other employer insurance coverage shall remain in effect.
  3. Teleworking shall not be used as a substitute for dependent care. Teleworkers shall make necessary arrangements for their dependents during the agreed upon work hours to ensure the successful completion of their assigned work duties.
  4. Collective Bargaining Agreements governing leave, overtime, hours of duty and scheduled workweek; Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) rules governing overtime; and Skagit Valley College policies and procedures will continue to apply to Skagit Valley College teleworkers.
  5. Employees remain obligated to comply with all agency rules, policies, practices and instructions. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the teleworking agreement and/or disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment, in accordance with applicable rules, regulations and the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  6. Performance evaluation requirements for teleworkers shall not differ from non-teleworkers. Teleworking arrangements may be revoked if performance and/or reliability issues arise and are communicated by the supervisor.
  7. In the event circumstances prohibit the teleworker from performing their assigned duties while teleworking, the teleworker shall immediately notify their supervisor for further work direction.
  8. Vacation, sick and other leave while teleworking will continue to require approval by the employee’s supervisor.
  9. All sick leave will be reported by the employee to their supervisor in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreements, and/or District procedures.
  10. Teleworkers will be expected to check their E-mail, voice mail and remain accessible by direct phone during approved telework hours identified in the Telework Agreement and Work Plan. Failure of a teleworker to notify their supervisor that they cannot be reached at their teleworking location during hours specified in the Teleworking Agreement is grounds for terminating the agreement.
  11. To protect confidentiality and guard against data contamination, teleworkers shall follow Skagit Valley College approved data security procedures at their alternate worksite.
  12. Teleworkers using Skagit Valley College-provided computer software shall adhere to the manufacturer’s licensing agreements, including the prohibition against unauthorized duplication. The teleworker will not load non-business software on Skagit Valley College- provided computers and will follow the Employee Acceptable use Guidelines for Skagit Valley College Technology Resources at all times. Skagit Valley College software that has an “on site license contract”, cannot be installed on an employee-owned computer.
  13. Office supplies for use by teleworkers at their alternate worksites shall be provided by Skagit Valley College and should be obtained during the teleworker’s in office work periods. Out-of- pocket expenses for supplies or services shall be preapproved and will be reimbursed according to existing agency procedures.


Teleworking arrangements are for mutual benefit and not an employee right. No teleworking agreement will be approved beyond one year, although subsequent agreement can be reached for subsequent periods. Teleworking agreements must meet the operational needs of Skagit Valley College and failure of an agreement to meet operational needs shall be grounds for immediate termination of the agreement. It is not the intent of the Teleworking Policy to take the place of flexible work schedules as approved by a supervisor and employee. Further, the agreement may be terminated by either the employee or the immediate supervisor for any reason upon reasonable notice, fourteen (14) calendar day’s written notice, to the other party.



Skagit Valley College Human Resources Office will provide consultation for the proper implementation of teleworking.