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1360 Memorials

Initial Date of Approval: 6/10/15

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility: President


To establish the procedures for placement of memorials at a college location. 


Board Policy GP-7 Memorials 


Memorials may be placed consistent with the college’s mission, vision and guiding principles to recognize deceased individuals who have had a significant association with the college. Memorials will be made with the perspective of time and will maintain consistency with the college’s Facilities Master Plan and campus design standards. Consideration to place a memorial may be initiated no earlier than one year following death. Memorials will be made through the planting of a tree or placement of a bench. The SVC Board of Trustees delegates authority to the college president for approval and placement of memorials. The college retains the right to move or remove the memorial. 


  • Memorial placement criteria. Consistent with the Board of Trustees policy statement, criteria to guide approval and placement of a memorial include: 
    • Memorials will be consistent with the college’s mission, vision and guiding principles.
    • Memorials will recognize deceased individuals who have had a significant association with the college. 
    • Memorials will be made with the perspective of time, and maintain consistency with the Facilities Master Plan and campus design standards. 
    • Consideration to place a memorial may not be initiated earlier than one year following death. 
  • Process for Proposing Placement of a Memorial 
    • A proposal to place a memorial may be initiated in writing and forwarded to the President. The written recommendation shall include: 
      • biographical summary of the person proposed to be honored, 
      • how placement of a memorial responds to the criteria above, 
      • reasons the placement of a memorial is merited, and 
      • requested type and location of memorial. 
    • Costs to purchase and install the bench or tree will be determined by the administrative vice president and communicated in writing to the proposer(s). Proposer(s) are responsible for the costs associated with purchase and installation of the memorial. 
    • Upon receipt of written acceptance of the terms listed above, the administrative vice president will forward a recommendation to the college president. 
    • If the recommendation is approved by the president, actions necessary to place the memorial will be facilitated by the administrative vice president.