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1320 Parking and Traffic on Campus

Initial Date of Approval: 1/30/09

Revision Date(s): 5/11/15

Administrative Responsibility: President


To provide guidelines for the exercise of parking and traffic privileges on any Skagit Valley College (SVC) campus or center.




SVC shall provide parking for faculty, staff, students and visitors in areas designated for each category of user, in accordance with local and state law, and as provided in appropriate collective bargaining agreements. Additionally, SVC will manage the flow of traffic on its campuses and centers. 


The college reserves the right to manage parking on campuses and centers, and will do so in a fair and equitable manner, for the purposes stated in WAC 132D-116-020. The authority for rulemaking, establishment of regulations, and setting fair and equitable monetary penalties for violation of those rules and regulations is vested in the President. Designation of parking spaces and uses is vested in the Director-Facilities and Operations, after consultation with the Vice President of Administrative Services and the Director of Security Services. Enforcement of rules and regulations pertaining to parking and traffic is conducted by Security Services and, in some cases, agencies having commissioned law enforcement or code compliance authority and jurisdiction. 

 Valid permits displayed as directed are required of all students, employees, and users of handicapped parking spaces. Fees may be charged for permits for students. 

 Vehicles will be cited 24 hours-a-day, year–round, for infractions that include, but are not limited to the following situations: 

  • parking in a designated “no parking”, “loading”, or “fire” zone; 
  • occupying more than one space; 
  • blocking or impeding traffic; 
  • violation of “visitor” parking by students or employees; carpool violations; 
  • handicapped/accessible parking violations (no valid permit, or failure to properly display); 
  • overnight parking (without prior approval from Security Services); 
  • camping; parking or driving on grass, sidewalks, planting beds or prohibited areas; or 
  • parking in areas not specifically designated for parking. 

 In addition to the above conditions, the following will be enforced between 7:00 am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday: student parking in a space designated for “staff”; and no visible permit. 

 Motorcycles may not be driven on sidewalks or lawns. Speed of any moving vehicle, including bicycles and electric carts, must be reasonable and prudent for conditions, and not exceed posted speed limits. Bicycles are not allowed in buildings at any time, and must be parked in appropriate bicycle racks. 

 An accumulation of three or more infraction notices without payment of penalties will be forwarded to the Director of Student Life (in the case of students) or the Vice President of Administrative Services (in the case of an employee). Vehicles may be cited and impounded on the fourth violation, or if the vehicle is found to be blocking another vehicle or access, posing a threat to property or personal safety, restricting access to emergency vehicles, or any reason seen as appropriate by the Director of Security Services or his or her designee. 

 All persons have the right to appeal any parking infraction within five (5) working days of the issuance date of the infraction. An online Parking Appeals Form will be used to request and process the appeal. Appeals will be heard once a quarter by a panel of three persons appointed by the President or his/her designee, representing students, staff and administration. Unacceptable grounds for appeal are: to be unaware of the rules, forgetfulness, parking only for a short period, failure to properly display parking permit, or failure to notice signs, curb paint or space markings.