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1300 Use of Facilities

Initial Date of Approval:1/30/09

Revision Date(s): 6/14/10

Administrative Responsibility: President


To provide guidelines related to the use of SVC facilities. 


Skagit Valley College believes that facilities should be available for a variety of uses which are of benefit to the general public.


The buildings, equipment, and grounds of Skagit Valley College (hereinafter to be referred to as “college”) are primarily for educational purposes. No other use shall be permitted to interfere with this primary purpose. Furthermore, a state agency is under no obligation to make its public facilities available to the community for private purposes.  

However, opportunity will be provided for use of some college buildings, equipment, and grounds (hereinafter referred to as “facilities”), provided that the purpose of such use is in harmony with the public interest and welfare, and subject to the laws of the State of Washington and all other college policies, rules, and regulations. 

Guidelines for the use of McIntyre Hall Performing Arts and Conference Center are available from the hall and are entitled “Theater Rental Guidelines” 

  • Use by College Groups for Non-Instructional Purposes

College facilities are generally available for use by officially recognized or chartered college groups (faculty association meetings, student government and club meetings, etc.) at no charge, provided that such use occurs during normal college operating hours and does not incur additional costs (custodial, setup, etc.) above and beyond those associated with routine operations. Usage fees may be charged where extra costs are incurred and will usually reflect the actual costs involved. 

  • Use by Other Educational Agencies

Some college facilities may be used, on a rental basis, by other public or private educational institutions only insofar as they meet a community educational need not being fulfilled by the college and where they do not interfere with the normal operation of college programs and services. 

  • Use by Others

Other organizations, including non-profit organizations, may be allowed to use college facilities on a time and space available basis. They will be charged usage fees.

Use by other organizations shall be on an intermittent basis only. College facilities should not become such a group’s permanent place of meeting under any circumstances. 

  • Conditions for Denial of Use 

Applications for use of college facilities may be denied for any of the following reasons: 

    • The requested use appears to, in the judgment of the college, be in some way prejudicial to the best interest of the college and its educational program or to be lacking in satisfactory sponsorship and/or adequate supervision. 
    • The applicant and the college are unable to reach agreement on terms and conditions for the requested use. 
    • The requested use would violate state or local law or college policy. 
    • The requesting groups or individual has, in the college’s judgment, previously abused or failed to meet the conditions of a facilities use agreement. 
    • The requested use would be likely to materially and substantially disrupt the normal operation of the college. This includes, but is not limited to, weddings and receptions. 
    • The requested facilities (and/or necessary personnel to operate them) are unavailable for use at the requested time. 
    • Public and private groups competing with the college in course offerings will not be eligible for use of college facilities. 
  • Non-Discrimination Requirement 

The college reserves the right to prohibit the use of college facilities by groups which restricts membership or participation in a manner inconsistent with the college’s commitment to non-discrimination as set forth in its written policies and commitments. 

  • Prioritization System for Usage Scheduling 

Scheduling applications for college facilities will be accepted from either College or community users at any time during the year and acted upon as promptly as possible. However, it is necessary that planning be done as far in advance as possible by all potential users of college facilities.  

The prioritization system established for the scheduling of facilities is: 

    1. College instructional programs. 
    2. Official college-sponsored events (e.g. registration, trustee meetings, faculty-administrative workshops, new student orientation, etc.). These events are essential for the smooth operation of the total college program. 
    3. Major public events sponsored by the Student Activities Program (e.g. symposiums, lectures, cultural programs, etc.). These events are a mainstay of student programs and are intended to attract large public attendance in addition to student and staff participation. 
    4. All-college or public events sponsored by student programs or campus clubs or college offices or divisions (e.g. ethnic awareness week, business education day, etc.). These events are intended to be open and of interest to the entire student body and staff. 
    5. Space use by non-college organizations. These events help to fulfill the community service goals of the college. 
    6. Meetings of campus clubs or college offices or departments or functions of these groups which are not of general interest to the entire student body and staff. These events are routine in nature and often may be scheduled in almost any quiet location where adequate seating is available. 

Because one event is lower on the prioritization criteria than another does not necessarily mean that it cannot be scheduled. Compromises can often be worked out to the satisfaction of all parties. However, the prioritization criteria will serve as a major guideline in decisions involving facilities use applications for the same dates and times. In addition, the potential effect of an event on one of a higher priority will be considered before approval of the lower priority event. 

Requests for space at the Whidbey Island Campus, South Whidbey and San Juan Centers need to be made at the respective site.