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1130 Suspended Operations

Initial Date of Approval:1/30/09

Revision Date(s): 5/11/15, 12/17/24

Administrative Responsibility: President


To provide guidelines for communication of suspended operations for Skagit Valley College campuses and centers.


  • WAC 357-31-260 When may an agency head or institution president suspend operations? 
  • SVCFT Negotiated Agreement 
  • WPEA Collective Bargaining Agreement 


The president or designee may suspend the operations of all or any portion of the institution whenever they determine that public health, property, or safety may be jeopardized due to emergency conditions. The vice president of Administrative Services will draft a yearly plan to address weather-related suspended operations no later than November 1. 


In the event of an emergency delay or closure (due to snow, earthquake, wind, fire, etc.), every effort will be made to announce a decision to close campuses or have a delay start prior to 6am. Every effort will be made to announce a decision to close evening activities and classes by 3pm.

Announcements of emergency delays or closures are sent by the executive director of Strategic Marketing and Communications in the following ways:

  • RAVE ALERT message via email (or via cell phone by signing up);
  • Radio and television: Local radio and Seattle television stations via Flash Alert
  • Mobile posts: SVC Facebook, SVC X, Instagram, and Skagit Breaking/Whidbey 2.0 Facebook;
  • Website: SVC homepage, website banner throughout the site, and Emergency Communications webpage;
  • Phone: Information on Mount Vernon, Whidbey Island, and San Juan main phone lines. A message will be placed on these phone numbers when the college is closed or delayed:
    • Whidbey Island Campus 360-675-6656
    • Mount Vernon Campus 360-416-7600 
    • San Juan Center 360-416-3720 
    • South Whidbey Center 360-341-2425


Suspended operations: any modification to published hours of operations, including, but not limited to full or partial closures, delayed start times, or early closures.