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1050 Conduct of Research

Initial Date of Approval: 1/30/09

Revision Date(s): 

Administrative Responsibility: President


To establish policy and procedures for the conduct of surveys and other research by any person, group, or entity at any Skagit Valley College campus, center, or other location.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Protection of Human Subjects (45CFR46)


Surveys and research studies will be conducted in a manner that ensures the research is sound and does not violate board policy, college operating procedures, or federal regulations concerning protection of human subjects.


The college’s Office of Institutional Research will maintain and manage a Research Review Committee composed of staff members performing the functions of institutional research and evaluation. Additional faculty and staff members may serve in an advisory capacity where appropriate. All survey and other research requests must be reviewed by the Research Review Committee, and, in some cases, the appropriate administrator, except as noted below.

It is the intent of the college to minimize the number of surveys and studies, and therefore the potential for over-surveying students, faculty and staff, by conducting regularly scheduled surveys, combining studies or surveys when possible, or other means. To that end, surveys and research studies must be coordinated through the SVC Office of Institutional Research.

Authorization Requirements

Any individual or group of persons who wish to use SVC employees, students, records, or facilities as part of any research project, study, or survey must complete an Authorization to Conduct Research form. This requirement applies to studies or surveys that:

  • involve staff members in more than one instructional department or program area,
  • involve classes in more than one instructional department, or
  • directly affect and/or address activities in more than one department or program area.

Exception: If the research involves only one department or program area, the researcher(s) need not file an Authorization to Conduct Research Form, but must obtain permission from the appropriate instructor(s) and department or division chair. However, the survey or study should be conducted in consultation with the Office of Institutional Research.

Approval Process

After receiving the Authorization to Conduct Research form, the Research Review Committee will verify that:

  1. All information requested on the Authorization to Conduct Research form has been provided,
  2. The appropriate signatures have been obtained by the requestor,
  3. The proposed research is compatible with Skagit Valley College’s mission and purpose and is education-related,
  4. The proposal meets the requirements of Protection of Human Subjects (45CFR46), and
  5. The results will be disseminated in a fashion which would protect the identity of the subjects and, if appropriate, the college.

The Research Review Committee will base approval or denial of the proposal on the following criteria:

  1. Ability of researcher(s) to conduct the research proposed,
  2. Compatibility of the research with the college’s mission and purpose,
  3. Soundness of rationale for conducting the research project, including sampling, methodology, instrumentation, and treatment of data,
  4. Acceptability of the potential effects the collection of data and the dissemination and use of results may have on SVC students, personnel, operations, and the community, and
  5. Evidence of support from other involved individuals or groups internal or external to SVC.

Under certain circumstances, the Research Review Committee will submit the request to the appropriate Vice President or the President for approval. This submission will occur if the project meets any of the following:

  1. Has political or broad community implications for the college,
  2. Involves Board of Trustee policy,
  3. Involves all or a significant portion of the staff,
  4. Involves all or a significant portion of the students, or
  5. Involves established operating procedures and/or policies (e.g., SVC Board of Trustee Policy or Operational Policy and Procedures).

The requestor will be contacted by the Office of Institutional Research concerning the status of the request within 30 days of receipt of the proposal.

If a research request is denied, the notification will include the reason(s) for the denial. A revised proposal, or sections thereof, may be submitted for reconsideration.

Reporting of Results

The results of the study or survey must be submitted to the Director of Institutional Research prior to being made public. This document may also be reviewed by the Research Review Committee.

The names of individuals will not be used in the study unless permission is granted in writing by the individuals. The name of Skagit Valley College will be used only if permission is granted by the Research Review Committee.