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1020 Naming Of College Facilities

Initial Date of Approval: 1/30/09

Revision Date(s): 6/10/15

Administrative Responsibility: President


To establish the procedures for naming or changing the name of college facilities. 



Except where an honorary name for a particular facility has been approved by the Board of Trustees, College facilities will ordinarily be given functional names that are reasonably descriptive of and will identify the principal activity or purpose of the facility. The Board of Trustees has delegated authority to the College President to designate functional names. 


  1. Functional Names. The President may assign a functional name to a facility or change the existing functional name.
    • A written proposal, including supporting reasons, to name or change the functional name of a facility should be submitted through appropriate administrative channels to the administrative vice president.
    • After considering all relevant information, the administrative vice president will make a recommendation to the President.
    • If the President approves a functional name or name change, the newly designated name will be facilitated by the administrative vice president.
  2. Honorary Names. The Board of Trustees assigns honorary names to college facilities. The Board may initiate an honorary name. In addition, the College President may propose an honorary name to the Board.
    • Honorary Naming Criteria. The Board of Trustees has established criteria to guide decisions for honorary names as follows:
      • Honorary names will reflect favorably upon and bring honor to the college.
      • Naming conveys the highest honor and is reserved for those who have made extraordinary and lasting contributions to the college.
      • Honorary naming will meet the highest standard, be made with the perspective of time, and maintain consistency with the Facilities Master Plan and campus design standards.
      • Consideration to name a facility for a deceased individual may not be initiated earlier than one year following death.
      • Facilities shall not be named for individuals who are engaged in current relationships with the college.
    • Implementation of Honorary Naming Criteria. To guide the College President in honorary recommendations to the Board of Trustees, the following principles will be followed:
      • Recognize individuals, families, corporations, or foundations having attained achievements of extraordinary and lasting distinction. Generally, these will be individuals, families, corporations, or foundations that had had direct, substantial, and active association with the College.
      • Recognize benefactors who have made substantial contributions to the College. For financial contributions toward new construction or significant renovation of an existing building, “substantial contribution” shall mean at least one-half or greater of the total project cost or an amount approved by the Board of Trustees.
      • Recognize members of the College faculty, staff, Board of Trustees, or any elected official or state employee concerned with the functions or control of the College who have made extraordinary and lasting contributions to the College after the relationship with the College has ended.
      • Recognize deceased individuals whose contributions to the College reflect the criteria listed above, with initiation of the naming process to begin no sooner than one year following death.
  3. Process for Honorary Naming Recommendations
    • A proposal to name a college facility in honor of an individual, family, corporation, or foundation, may be initiated in writing and forwarded to the President. The written recommendation shall include:
      • (1) biographical summary of the person proposed to be honored,
      • (2) description of the facility and the proposed name, and
      • (3) reasons the contribution to the College by the individual, family, corporation, or foundation merit the designation.
    • If the recommendation is approved by the President and the Board of Trustees, actions necessary to establish the newly designated name will be facilitated by the administrative vice president.


Facility or facilities: Any building, structure, room, plaza, open space, landscaped area, or other physical improvement or natural feature of the college or of other property under the administrative control of the college. 

A facility may be given an honorary name to pay tribute to an individual, family, corporation, or foundation having made a distinguished contribution of service, teaching, or support to the college.