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Training and Help

New to Canvas and eLearning?

Students who have not used Canvas before or are not familar with eLearning are highly encouraged to use the following resources:

  • Canvas Basics Video (14 minutes):  Video tutorial of how to navigate Canvas, submit coursework, and personalize your profile
  • Week Zero Orientation: A self-guided Canvas course that will allow you to practice different tasks in Canvas, learn about how to stay organized with online learning, and provide tips and resources to be successful at SVC. More information can be found later on this page.
  • eLearning Help Articles: Answers to common questions and problems can be found in our help article platform
  • Help Request: If you cannot find what you need in the above resources, please fill out a help request form or contact us at

In-Person Workshops for Students

  • The eLearning team is currently working on scheduling live online Canvas orientation sessions for 2023. Please check back later for dates.

Week Zero Orientation

  • By taking the Week Zero Orientation, students can expect to be able to:
    1. Navigate a Canvas course layout and hands-on experience with basic functions (post to a discussion, submit an assignment, take an online quiz).
    2. Identify basic online course expectation.
    3. Identify qualities of successful college students.
    4. Identify netiquette guidelines for online communication.
    5. Identify available support resources to SVC students.
    6. Identify key information about your course.
  • You will be prompted to login to Canvas using your MySVC email address and password.
  • You can enroll in the course at any time and complete Week Zero Orientation at your own pace.
  • Refer to the Technical Requirements page to verify that your computer is capable of working with the Canvas environment. Keep in mind that distance courses require you to have reliable access to a computer with an Internet connection.

Take the Week Zero Orientation Canvas course:

Getting Help

Depending on what you need help with, you can contact the following resources:

  • Course specific questions (course content, assignment due dates, tests, etc): Contact your instructor
    • If you aren’t sure how to contact your instructor, try their email address. All SVC employees have the same email address format of
  • General questions about eLearning (ex. Canvas, Zoom, Panopto, etc.): Check the eLearning help request articles or contact eLearning at 360.416.2562 or
  • Canvas technical issues: click Help link located in the lower left corner of your Canvas page or check Canvas Student Guides
  • Information Technology questions (student e-mail, wireless connection, computer information, etc): Contact IT HelpDesk 360.416.7766 or
  • Special accommodations for students with a disability: Contact Disability Access Services at 360.416.7958.
Quick Links

Canvas Login
Online Tutoring
Help Request

SOS Team

(Student Online Support)
Tel: 360.416.2562
MVC Library room S-116
WIC Hayes room 107

eLearning Office Hours

MVC Library S-115
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Canvas  24/7 Support

Live Chat with Help Desk
Submit a Ticket
Search User Guides