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Computer Science is the study of techniques to represent, store, and manipulate information within a computer information system. Computer programming is a major component of such study, and is the focus of most of the CS courses included in the degree. Skagit Valley College offers a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science which is designed to broaden participation in computer science. It is a great option for those who wish to stay at SVC to earn a bachelor’s degree. The BS-CS, unlike offerings at universities, does not include a calculus sequence, but there is applied math that is directly applicable to problem solving in computer science.

If you are thinking of pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science at a university, you should take the DTA/MRP to assure you get the calculus sequence required for a seamless transfer to university. Because each university has different language preferences, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the requirements at the schools you are considering. Consult the receiving university’s catalog to determine the programming course sequences that best fits the requirements of that institution.

If you are interested in the Associate of Arts, Direct Transfer Degree (AA-DTA), be sure to explore this degree and contact an advisor for more information.


Program Pages and Maps

Computer Science, BS (BS-CS)

Computer Science, Associate in Computer Science, Direct Transfer Agreement DTA/MRP

Science, Associate in Science, Transfer Track #2 (AS-T, Track #2)

Associate of Arts, Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA)